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December 21, 2009


(Thanks to Stan)


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A stiff sotted squirrel beats a live one any day.

Daed and squirrel in the same sentence. I'm all for it.

The Naperville Squirrels beg to differ. There is nothing like drinking from the corpse of your brother-in-law, may he RIP. Hiccup.


If he can do this with people, my father-in-law would like to be set up as a barrel of Jim Beam.

Wild Turkey in a squirrel, that sounds almost environmentally friendly and everything.

That's an unusual idea.

When I read Dead Squirrel Decanter, I was hoping it was for dispensing dead squirrels.

Does that make me sick?

Now that's ugly.

Can you wear it around your neck & drink without hands?

what? that was a parrot head?


I'm with Siouxie.

Where can I get one?

I'm gonna need a shot of the dog that chased him.

Won't this spur them on to seek....VENGEANCE?!

Should make the moonshine even tastier.

Oh HELL no.

Only way that makes sense is if you're trying to get somebody to quit drinking. Unless the person in question is a total redneck, of course.

And I'm not nearly redneck enough to enjoy drinking my Evan Williams sour mash** from a dead squirrel decanter.

(**Yes, I'm a cheap drunk. Crown Royal and Jack are just too damn expensive these days...)

Jebus! Are you nuts? Let the squirrels see you quaffing away out of that thing and you'll incense them so much that they'll work even harder on their evil plot to bring on the apocalypse! Crap, I'm getting the heck away from here!

I don't care
if it rains or freezes,
Long as I got my
Squirrel decanter
Ridin' on the
Dashboard of my car...

Nah, that doesn't work.

Caution: Consuming too much alcohol may cause scquirrelhosis of the liver.

Wes, drinking American-brewed sour mash doesn't make you cheap.

It makes you a PATRIOT!

Just like me.

I'm waitin' fer the woodchuck. Holds more.

can 'possums be far behind?

Possums are a great idea! We can use the pouches for chips & dip!

decanter? isnt that the guy who sings the service with the rabbi on saturday mornings?,

Do they have one shaped like a box-o-wine?

There's a Talmudic discussion about whether dead squirrels improve the taste of wine. i suppose the answer is yes.

What's with all the animosity towards the little critters? My grandson loves feeding the squirrels at the Mission. I admit there is a question whether he is throwing the peanuts TO the squirrels or AT them.

Hey! Watch the 'possum comments!

(Geezers will get this.)

*pretends I don't get pogo's comment*

Speaking of 'possums and it being that time of year, it's tome for Boston Charlie

tIme, dammit!

I'm interested in Bar2D2 myself.

BUT if we can combine this with those cremation urns.... now we're getting somewhere. Can you use Uncle Phil as a decanter when you've cremated him? I think there's a way.

Well if what we've got in Washington can pretend it's a Congress, I guess a dead squirrel can pretend it's a liquor decanter.

Know why God made armadillos?

So the coonass could have possum on the half-shell.

Frankly, I kinda like squirrels.

*ducks and runs away to the gun safe*

Just sort of odd until I got to the shot of the head/cork off. That was funny.

We use possums here at the trailer park. They hold 3 times as much.

Use bloated raccoons for the sour mash.

At the main Website ( customcreaturetaxidermy.com ) they also have mounted sewer rats and a dead-mouse-in-a-trap "gag." Perfect centerpieces for Christmas dinner at the Addams'.

They also sell jars of skinned squirrel heads, only
$15 ea.:



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