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December 22, 2009


Texas Man Says He Found Rat Jaw in Frozen Veggies

(Thanks to Allen at Division)


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Rat's Jaw was Ozzy Osbourne's first band, right?

They charge extra for that...

'"There was a whole rat and so somebody else has got the rest of it," he said.'

Funny thing to be jealous about...

Hey Allen, we must have both hit the same clearance sale at the ellipsis store...

I say, would you have anything with not quite so much rat in it?
Well, alright then.

Is Siberian Filigreed Hamster!

Yah, sure, Pad! Ellipses are the underdogs of punctuation, and I intend to keep using them until they're at least as popular as a semicolon!

If you'd eaten this particular bag of veggies, all you'd have is a semicolon.

The package was accidentally sent to Texas instead of Boca Raton.

The comments on that page will put you off prepared foods for life. ><

*snork* @ NotSherly.

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