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December 23, 2009


The Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtle Funky Cozy


(Thanks to Matt Filar)


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The models look embarrased.

Whether funkly or funky, those outfits look junky.


Do they have one for a Jedi Knight? Just asking...

(acknowledges Siouxie for inspiration)

I believe in green turtles!
Where you from? You funky thang.
(You funky thang you.)

Just in time to replace the fading trend in kitschy holiday sweaters.

wow. i found a vhs tape of vanilla ice doing the song he wrote for the teenage mutant ninja turtles movie. (a little nostalgia for you old people) i gave it to my teenaged son for christmas just last night. (ianmtu) it was priceless. too bad i didn't know about the funkly snugglies or i woulda bought him one of those, too.

Wow, mud, I can just picture Bigfoot in one of those. It's not a pretty sight.

I can just imagine the look of joy on a teenagers face when you tell him that you know he wanted the X-Box 360 Elite but you thought these were just so cute you couldn't resist. Even the models look embarrassed.

It occurs to me that maybe the models aren't wearing these monstositiesamphibian snuglies. It looks like the colorform dress up game.

*goes to scrape snow off the windshield of the geezer bus.*

Those aren't models, this is part of their probation agreement.

How much did they PAY these guys to where those things?!

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