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September 29, 2009


DNA test shows Hitler skull is that of a woman

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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Watch it, buddy.

So, Hitler was a lady? This does explain a lot.

I have a surly neighbor. I've often thought he needed his head examined. Now I know I need to be more specific:

He/She needs his/her skull examined.

No wonder he only had one ball.

More importantly for our ladies, there's a sidepanel story about Hugh Jackman...

Hitler was doing fine running a rooming house down in Argentina until that fat American guy with the greasy hair moved in and kept making fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches on the hotplate in his room.

Make for a great sitcom pilot, eh? I'd call it "A & E" (c)

Heil Hilda!

ALlen, that guy should have been ejected from the theater and had his phone steamrollered (if that's a word).

Jeff, yes. I believe audiences in theaters or movies should be allowed to tase anyone who opens a phone (the light is distracting even if it's silenced). THEN we steamroller the phone.

Yes, it's a pet peeve.

This discovery explains the purge of Ernst Rohm on the night of the long knives. Adolf resented competition for dance partners at the annual Brownshirt's cotillion.

This just proves what I've always known. Men are hard heads.
As for a cellphone in a movie theater why not just ask the usher to tell them to put the phone away? It's been a while since I've been to a movie. Heads towards geezer bus.

cindy, apparently they were in a tense moment of the play when this dork in the first row's phone rang...repeatedly. Every theater tells you to turn off your phone before the show starts.

I agree with Allen, tase 'em.

male bone tends to be more robust


Allen, they should have kicked that person OUT. BTW..I want to see that play!!! Two hoties in one show! ;-P

If I were a woman, I'd be very offended. That weird mustache just does nothing for a gal's appearance.


Forensic analysis has further determined that the skull was French.

Brown shirts are the new white coats.

But he IS dead, right?

But he IS dead, right?

Posted by: eilbeback | September 29, 2009 at 03:20 PM

You are the single wrongest named person to be posing that question.

So we're relying on scientists who got the bone fragment from soldiers who just randomly started digging around a pile of burned stuff? Hmmmm.... Nope, no break in chain of custody here!

Hitler is undead

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