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September 21, 2009



(Thanks to James)


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Solly. Wong numba.

Nice antenna

Me so hawny. Me call you long time.


Set on "vibrate", no doubt.

Squirrel nut zipper?

Spongebob would be proud!




The cell phone looks so happy and he looks as if he's saying "Come here let me give you a big...."

Phone sex.

Run little squirrel! He's after your nuts!

*TypePad error; post take 2*

Somehow, the squirrel looks nervous in this photo.

Chris, I thought he just looked surprised.

Backed by the largest network ...

I wonder what it's ringtone is set on?

Hung up?

More bars in more places...

question: why is a Chinese phone depicted as a 'round-eye'?

Can you rear me now?


That's the newest model out, The Hairy Palm.

Ring, ring, ring, ring
Ring, ring, ring

*snork* at Betsy.

Reach out and touch someone... ?

Reach out and touch someone.

Your clamshell is open.

Sorry, Clank, I swear yours wasn't there before. We almost simuled, though.

Phone: "Look Ma! No hands!"

Phone designed for her pleasure

The One-Eye Phone?

gotta have that 'boom-shwacket' ring tone.

That's what happens when you talk dirty on the phone.

There once was a phone from Nantucket . . .

Is that a phone in your pocket....

"What ringtone is it set on," nursecindy?

"Schwing! Schwing!", of course...

excuse me, i have to take this call


If the squirrel drops his wallet, he'll have to kick it all the way down the block.

Call me
Call me
Call me
Call me
Call me anytime!

All those times someone said, "Stick it in your ear!" Now I know what they were talking about. Uh, no.

Hold my calls...

That phone has one heckuva wanger winger ringer.

Is that a phone in your pocket....

Posted by: Pannus | September 21, 2009 at 04:38 PM

I can't believe it took about 35 posts before someone came up with that.

Is he about to lose signal as he goes into a tunnel?

Eventually...yes, Sharkie.

Viennese *schnork* @ Shark

"Can you have me now?"

I will never look at my fold up phone the same again.

If your call lasts longer than 4 hours, please call your doctor.

Somebody should just flip him off.

The.Best.Comedy.EVER!!! is on this blog! Love all you witty smart hilarious people.

The.Best.Comedy.EVER!!! is on this blog! Love all you witty smart hilarious people.

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