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August 26, 2009


Police arrest monkey

(Thanks to catmanmax and Jeff Meyerson)


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First, they shall spank the monkey. Then, if he does it again, they shall shock the monkey.

A cheeseburger eating surrender monkey.

There's an ape for that!

The monkey is in cutody?

Ah did not arrest the menkey. I gave heem a war-neeng, and told heem to get a la-sanse.

He was taken to jail, where is he was bailed


And total geezer SNORKS at Clank!!! "The menkey does not tell me what to play, and I do not tell the menkey what to do with his meeny..."

What CJ said.

Cheeky monkey!

Don't taze me bonobo mate.

Couldn't they have just gibbon him a warning?

LOL Clank - my dad used to say "Your meenky is breaking ze loo" all the time...

Monkey seen, monkey dude.

Did the police provoke the "ire" or did the monkey man provoke the "ire"?

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