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July 08, 2009


"The animal's stomach had turned the fruit to alcohol and the badger was, to put it crudely, drunk as a skunk," said a police statement on Wednesday. "In addition, the badger was suffering from diarrhoea studded with cherry stones."

(Thanks to Shelley Acoca)


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At least when I wake up, dear sir, I will not be as ugly as a badger.

yuck. HICCUP.
badgers is stoopid.
good thing it wasnt road kill - that would have been a lovely splatter.

I've seen many fruits turn to alcohol. NTTAWWT.

Drunken Badger WBAGNFARB.

Just sayin'.

Studded With Cherry Stones WalsoBAGNFARB.

how 'bout Cherry Stone Diarrhoea?

isn't "diarrhoea studded with cherry stones" a Welsh delicacy?

The badger joined a fraternity?

"..sleep off his night of excess in a nearby meadow."
Lucky. I have to go to the doghouse.

how 'bout Cherry Stone Diarrhoea?

Posted by: judi | July 08, 2009 at 11:13 AM

No, but thanks for offering.

Drunken barfing badgers reeling across streets and being poked by policemen? Just sounds like a typical University of Wisconsin football Saturday to me. Just put a cheerleader outfit on the badger and you got it.

When did my brother-in-law become a German badger???

Cherry Stone Diarrhoea would be a great name for a punk band. Or a band of authors. If any authors ever formed a band.

If human stomachs turned fruit into alcohol the produce section at grocery stores would be packed on Friday and Saturday nights.

So if a badger gets drunk as a skunk, what does a skunk get drunk as?

Some of the bloggers on this blog Fax.

Badgers jest cain't hold their likker ( ptooi ! )

wiredog, I'm sure that could never happen. Their careers would have to hit Rock Bottom, first, I'm sure.

"So if a badger gets drunk as a skunk, what does a skunk get drunk as?"

a lad.



We doan need no stinkin' badgers!

Some of the bloggers on this blog Fax.

Posted by: nursecindy | July 08, 2009 at 03:01 PM


I prefer to email...butt that's just me.

Badger Badger Badger
Mushroom! Snake!

Q: What's even more rare than a drunken badger?

A: A German joke.

I lived in germany for eight years, and I gotta agree with JonJ. I've never seen a polizei even crack a smile, much less a joke. I have however, seen lotso drunken beings over there, mainly of the semi-human variety tho.

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