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July 26, 2009


Dead Whale Gets Stuck in Cruise Ship Bow

(Thanks to Rafi Farber)


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For some reason this feels like it should be related to the post about the guy jumping in the Hudson River.

Nursecindy - a literal LOL!

Not to judge, Dave, but I would have thought your headline on this story would have been, "THIS CAN'T BE GOOD..."

Cruise Ship has defeated Dead Whale!
Cruise Ship has gained 2 Experience!
Cruise Ship has gained 3000 Pounds!

C'mon, everybody, sing along:

Crossin' the ocean late last night
He shoulda looked left and he shoulda looked right
He didn't see the ship come from afar
The whale got squashed and there you are!

You got yer
Dead whale in the middle of the bow
Dead whale in the middle of the bow
You got yer dead whale in the middle of the bow
Stinkin' to high Heaven!

yay duckie!!

Capt. Hazelwood was in his bunk at the time. Yo ho, oh oh.

She's mine, I tell ye!!

It was my understanding that the passengers were told to avoid swimming after the buffet...

This is pretty awful.

" Folks, this is the Captain speaking. We've had an odd stroke of luck today, so there's going to be a change of entree for tonight's buffet. "

Oddly enough, this was Greenpeace and PETA's annual joint social cruise...

The folks in Vancouver can call on their neighbors in Oregon for disposal tips.

Well, that's one whale I won't be seeing next month.

they finally got a big enough boat...

King of the World?

Although I have to give credit to Insomniac for a great response, I have to comment myself that this is one of the saddest things that I have ever seen.
I think it's pretty ironic that people throng by the thousands to go on cruises for ocean experiences when most of them would not notice a genuine ocean experience if they were hit in the 'bow' with a dead whale. Sad and sadder...

Shipboard music provided by Bob Barely and the Whalers.

Didn't Dead Whale open for Exploding Outhouse and Killer Chipmunk back in '99?

So sad. *snif* Makes me blubber.

Eskimo sushi. Is that a whale on your bow or are you just glad sashimi.

*SNORK! @ Loudmouth*

(Miso sorry.)

X-treme Whale Watching? (Marketed on Pay Per View as "The XWW")

LOL @ Loudmouth & Meanie!

(sake to me)

LTTG butt...is Dave insinuating that cruiseship passengers are FAT?


There's a sushi bar just for lawyers . . . it's called "Sosumi".

I think that was just a fluke.

I pay my respects to your comment, bonmot.

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