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July 08, 2009


(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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Notes that judi posted this while Dave is away. I wonder if she's trying to get it outfitted with a kilt?

Hey, sometimes a chandelier is just a...who am I trying to kid?

This type has to be circumcised by a very careful electrician, called an ohm mohel.

words fail me

Wow. Talk about "turning on" the lights....

Or, the light at the end of "the tunnel"....

If the light stays on more than four hours, call your electrician.

I appreciate the engineering of this lamp. It is well hung.

How do they know this is a FAIL? Maybe it's intentional? The foyer of a whorehouse in Vegas, perhaps? Not that I would know anything about whorehouses. In Vegas or elsewhere.

*SNORK* @ Sharkie!! You'd know, wouldn'tcha? LOL

He left his headlight on.

You light up my life.

Why does the phrase, " Go towards the light" keep going through my head?

♪ You light up my life
You give me hope,
To carry on... ♪

The owner also has a pair of light-up globes but he never turns those on because it causes ceiling damage.

Do you think he's compensating for something?

speaking of... well, nothing to do with chandeliers, if anyone within the sound of my typing is going to be around (here) this weekend and interested in getting together, please email the blog or siouxie and we'll send you details.

Judi, I'm not sure you need the "el" in your post. ;)

(pssst judi...you forgot to add "bring your own kilt")

I mean in the original post up there


oh yeah...and an *eyerollsnork* @ Sharkie!

I was also thinking if HE who designed this was compensating for something...

One song we won't be singing is.. ♬ This little light of mine...I'm gonna let it shine...♫

Pontius Piwate's good fwiend has one of those in his diningwoom.

Head lights!

Sad OT news:
The celebrity death toll grows.

*will have a wiener for dinner in his honor*

Judi, you and Siouxie, and any other blog ladies that are interested, should come to NC this weekend. We're having the annual Grandfather Mountain Highland games and there will be men in kilts everywhere. For the blog guys there is free beer.
I wonder if Oscar Mayer will be buried in a bun shaped casket? May he R.I.P.

*raises the mustard to Oscar*

The Frenches has immediately surrendered.

R.I.P. ♬ O S C A R ♫

cindy, that sounds WAY cool! Please take plenty of photos. For research purposes, of course.

Well, Oscar went out a weiner.

Unlike the singer of the Miami Vice Herald theme...

I will Siouxie. I may even wear my kilt which is from the clan Johnstone, my maiden name.

Mourners will be received at the buffet line.

Cindy, I second Siouxie's motion for research material.
I am sure you will have a great time.

Can't wait to see the slutty tastefully somber dress Mariah Carey wears to the Meyer funeral, like yesterday.

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