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July 08, 2009


The winner not only gets the title of Shed of the Year 2009 but also wins a year’s supply of cheese from the Cheeseshed.com, a £50 voucher from Wyevale Garden Centres, a unique shed cushion and a wind-up Trevor Bayliss radio.

(Thanks to uncle wilco)


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Ooooh, a years supply of cheese! But what about the boxed wine to go with it?

That, sir, is not a shed.

My wife would want of those, for me!

"a windup Trevor Bayliss radio"?


Wow, that is much nicer than the trailer I live in!

Makes being sent to the woodshed not so bad--especially with a "unique shed cushion" and all that cheese...

Behold, the power of Cheese....

what? the winner is NOT Arthur 'Two-Sheds' Jackson??? Blimey.

Cheese Whiz would be so appropriate for consumption while sitting on the throne of honor, complete with a mini napkin roll.

*Wonders how much, exactly, is a year's supply of cheese in West Wales.*

Well, Glocuestershire is close to Wales, so if you catch the cheese you're home free.

Notice the compost toilet in the 3rd image.

The prizes are secondary to the winning sheddie, the real prize is the title of "Shed of the year 2009"

why not add your sheds for Shed of the year 2010, not sure if we can send the cheese over the water mind you ;)

I've always wanted a shed cushion ...

Donald Trump does sheds? Who knew?

"what? the winner is NOT Arthur 'Two-Sheds' Jackson??? Blimey."

I guess those reporters really were more than a match for the likes of him.

No, no. Look. This shed business - it doesn't really matter. The sheds aren't important. A few friends call me Two Sheds and that's all there is to it. I wish you'd ask me about the music. I'm a composer. People always ask me about the sheds, they've got it out of proportion. I'm fed up with the shed, I wish I'd never got it in the first place.

*walks away in a huff*

uncle wilco, is your first name roger? ;)

I've always admired Frank Lloyd Hillbilly's work.

Spray cheese, pumped into Bugles. The perfect redneck hors d'ouvres.

It's all about how comfortable your doghouse is . . .

my shed is 16 x 10 which is roughly 15 square meters, but only has two windows and no furniture apart from some bicycles and such. say what you will, but that man gives hellacious good shed. nttawwt.

i got an idear in my head
'bout pimping out the tool shed
it displeased the mrs.
and of course this is
the reason that there are bunk beds

Arthur TS - what's a huff??? i know someone who walks away in a minute and a huff....

with my humble thanks to julius henry marx

What a friend we have in cheeses.

That's more treehouse than shed.

Me thinks Mr. Steven Harwood is either single or not in immediate communication with the Mrs.

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