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June 12, 2009


They're all the same.

(Thanks to Danny)


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So spider karaoke does it for them?

"Instead, females only expose their genitalia for copulation after males produce a courtship "song" by tapping the water surface."

Hmmmm, maybe Britney needs to learn a lesson or two from the insects.

We will draw the line at some point. If it's a BM song, I am not exposing myself.

It takes a lot more than singing and dancing for me. Dinner at a nice restaurant with a gift of something shiny and expensive may do it.

You got that right, Dave.

But cindy, what if he singing sucks (so to speak)? Will the jewelry still work?

Inquiring minds want to know.


Hey babe, what about a hummer?

William Hung is NEVER gonna see NOTHIN'!! Poor guy.

Almost always Jeff.

Singing, buying 'em 4 or 5 Appletinis, faking sensitivity, whatever it takes.

I understand that alcohol and Mardi Gras beads does it in NOLA.

I detect a reality show in the works!


That should probably read "Female Water Striders Expose Their Genitalia Only After Males 'Sing Well'"

I'm still waiting for Meanie to dance.

Sort of works with Idol, until you find the guy is gay.

Worked well for Sinatra, Martin, Beatles, etc. etc.

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