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June 21, 2009


Consider going to church.

(Thanks to Danny)


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How about a bloody mary? Can I grab one of those before the service?

Free beer, bacon rolls and chocolate bars? Now that's a service we can all get behind!

Happy Father's Day to Dave and all you fathers out there.

wait just a minute....moms get posies. POSIES?!!??! and men get beer. hrmph.

What do you expect, Crossgirl? The Pastor is one of us. You're lucky he doesn't give you brooms.

"Posies" must be a brand of wine.

Happy Fathers' Day, Dave. And, um, bless you.

Time to "belly up" to the altar?

What's next, a pole dancing choir?

"Men at St Stephen's church in Barbourne, Worcester, will be handed bottles of beer by children during the service. A prayer will be said for the fathers before the gifts are distributed."

I'm behind this effort wholeheartedly: it's a win/win.

Teach the kiddies bartending skills and saying prayers that everyone gets home safely. Great idea!

I'm headed to church right now with this article in hand. Maybe we dip a brat in the beer instead of the wine and bread. WooHoo

Um, ABQTurkey, wouldn't transubstantiating a brat possibly raise some prurient interests? NTTAWWT

*SMACKS* Elon. Brooms?? You were begging for a *SMACK* with that remark. We have wine every Sunday at my Church! We just tell the men, fathers or not, that if they don't come to Mass they will spend eternity WITHOUT the three b's. Beer, Ballgames, and Babes. It works pretty well.

And for those whose Sabbath is on Saturday.....

Generally speaking, people do not want to go to goofball churches that offer bribes, which is why the C of E is DOA. If being goofy and loving beer were enough, Dave would be Pope.

My mom used to wish the priest a Happy Fathers' Day. He'd say thank you, then do a double-take.

So that's where you get it, Annie. Ha!

Also, can we get an extra large handbasket, here. This one's too small for me.

The preview showed the italics closed, I swear!

I've broken the blog. No beer for me.

and to open the beers, will they need churchkeys?

oh goodie! can i have scott's?


*hands beer to cg*

Mea maxima culpa.

*drags post over from previous thread*

Happy Father's Day to Dave and all the blog dads! Hope you get to drink lots of beer relax and have a wonderful day!

Does that choir sound a little funny to you?

Yes, Meanie, I think it's because they're singing "Bock of Ages."

I will be attending afternoon services at the Cathedral of St. Pauligirl.

I second crossgirl's hmmmph! Not fair at all!

Mothers need alcohol blessings too.

Once again, Happy Dad's Day to all my favorite blog dads! Have Joy and plenty of beer!

>>... this is a gesture saying 'Here's something that will bless you,'" he said...<<

Bless or bloat ?

Is that what it is, Ducky? It sounded like the Have A Lager Chorus.

Here I said I would never go to church, but that sounds like my kind of church. Beer and chocolate, Amen!

Meanie, that was after they sang "Imbibe with Me."

That's sacrilege. You need to say ten "Ale Mary"'s.

I think the correct title is "Rolling Rock of Ages."

*considers getting cleaned up, changing clothes, then going to church. then considers Beer Fridge in the shady carport, 15 feet away. scratches belly, turns fan up a notch.*

If the Baptists were of such a mind, they would sing Stout, Sister, Stout!

Danny, maybe y'all sing it differently at St. Pauligirl's.

Don't forget to add ten "Our Lagers."

Meanie, followed by "Are You Washed in the Bud?"

How 'bout "Beer I Place Into Your Hands" and "Jesus Hold My Beer"

*jumps into handbasket*

*Scoots over to make room in the handbasket*

Welcome, girlfriend!

were they serving light beer?

amazing taste
and fewer carbs
you've made a fan of meee!
i'm not as full
and not as round
though still i gotta pee...

To attract more men, the beer will be distributed by lingere models sitting on top of large screen TV's.
It's all about the attendance figures.

Happy Fathers Day to all you blog guys who are, or had, a father. You're a real fun lot.

*lite-snork* @ insom!

Our Lager, which art in taverns,
Hollowed out my brain.
Thy kegdom come.
Thy swill be fun,
Our girth long past size eleven.
Guinness this day our daily brew
To pour over our best Basses,
As we forget those who've just been introduced to us.
And leave us not without libation,
But deliver us from hangovers.

Oh, man.

meanie, you're going to bust he%% wide open.

Bravo Meanie.
May Pabst be with you.

"Can I get that beer to go?"

And another *snork* @ Meanie!! Amen, Brother Blue.

Praise the Lord and pass the beer nuts.

Excellent work, insom and MtB. But now you're in trouble with the Man who walked on the Sea of Genesee.

How about a bloody mary? Can I grab one of those before the service?

Not sure about before the service, but maybe afterwards; the country club in my parents' neighborhood was giving out free Bloody Mary's to the dads at Sunday brunch today.

Happy Fathers Day Dave! I think we've been blessed so much already we are beginning to list!

nursecindy, I've been in the Nothing To Lose Club for quite some time now.

Although I do interact with the Holy Spirits, too....

Happy Dad's Day to all you great Dad's out there. And the mediocre ones too. :)

Gotta run. I'm making my man cream puffs (to be served with beer, of course).

God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.

Who broke the blog?!!! SNORKS @ Meanie: it's been nice knowing ya.

Happy Father's and Mother's Day to all.

*Opens the blogbar and slides beer to everyone except Sioux, who gets her usual Chardonay*

The poetry pieces and the bogs were laugh out loud funny. But I expect a lightning bolt to flash down on y'all anytime...

As for the efforts by these churches, can anyone spell b-r-i-b-e?

Thanks, Med ;-P

Aussiegirl, which is exactly the reason I stay away from these people.

*polishes halo*

Geez, I'LL fix it!

Did it work?


Try again!



The Blog is broken; I keep hit hitting "Refresh", butt I still keep seeing Juana dancing thru her wedding re-vows....


meanie that was beautiful. blessed arte ye amongst sinners.

psst, cj, did i spell arte, right?

More reasons for beer.

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