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May 28, 2009


Now: Marmite.

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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He's sticking out his tongue. I wonder why.

I've never seen a picture Of jesus with 8822033 imposed across his beard.

He's been through bigger jams than that.

The two fingers that I could afford to send to typing school are not up to the task this morning.

Jesus appears to be one of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers!

And he's wearing shades!!

Well, if Jesus has a seriously deformed face. But this proves it all along! Jesus was an African American!

My SIL, who had never encountered Marmite before marrying my daughter, refuses to put, what he says looks like axle grease, on a slice of bread. Luckily, for my daughter, Marmite, along with other South African favourites, is available at selected stores in the US so we don't have to keep sending her packages of goodies.

*looks askance at Mot's idea of 'packages of goodies'*

But yes, you can get Marmite™ here, though why you'd want to beats me.

Quick - where's the toast with Saint Mary on it?

♬ I don't care if it rains or freezes, as long as I got my Marmite Jesus...♫

LOL Annie!! Hey GF!! miss you around here!!!!

Marmite and Marmosets on the same day?

(Marmite and the Marmosets WBAGNFARB)

Yep, that's Jesus. Salt of the earth, so to speak.

Initially they thought it looked like Rob Zombie but the media was not interested.

might make those communion wafers more palatable.

I found the Virgin Mary in my paint splotch the other day!

Very picassoesque, Marg.

Personally, I think it looks like Rondo Hatton. But, then, I'm not from Ystrad Rhondda.

People who can actually eat a salt lick Marmite are probably more likely to see Jesus in any number of unlikely places.

I bid $26,000 if the marmite has been on a bedside table for at least 10 years.

I think it looks way more like Frank Zappa.

Does that say "ass mould"? if so...wazzat?

Siouxie - I was just noticing that - no idea!

I noticed that too Siouxie. I've never heard of Marmite but from what I've read about here today I don't think I will try it. I don't care if all the apostles show up on the lid also.

Looks like Screech from "Saved By The Bell"

(geezer mom whose kids were addicted.....back in the day)

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