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May 27, 2009


Make sure you have caterpillar coverage.


(Thanks to catmanmax and Siouxie)


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Car for sale. Will throw in custom made silk seat covers.

Just think of all the squishy noises it will make to drive that car away. Ew.

the Manifold

Well at least I could make a silk shirt out of it after cleaning it off, rather than getting nothing but aggravation after cleaning the useless love bugs off my car.

Well, he certainly has caterpillar coverage (which WBAGNFARB), doesn't he?

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I'd never go near that car again. Ever. Except maybe with a flame-thrower.

I wonder what the fine was on the expired meter

Nice one, Trustf8.
Looks like the Dutch have found an alternative to the 'boot' for unpaid parking ticket deadbeats.

Maybe it'll emerge an an Aston Martin?

Looks like the car's been slimed.

Geez, I thought the gypsy moths up in New England were bad...


Tent caterpillars at their jamboree in Holland.

In three weeks this car emerges as a hybrid.

No, no the airbag is supposed to deploy on the inside of the car.

It looks like about a hundred people sneezed on it.  Yuck.

...or a hundred Peters Cummings on it...


If it's not too late, I would strongly suggest that anyone who's eaten today be satisfied with the first image (shown above) and not click on image 2...

The leather interior is pristine but the silk exterior suffered some rain damage.

I thought tent caterpillars were bad. At least you can use WD40 and/or a torch on them.

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