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April 29, 2009


Angry worker eats his own finger

(Thanks to Siouxie and DavCat)


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Finger-lickin' good.
Like chicken fingers

Finger sandwiches, anyone?

I certainly hope he has a good place to pee.

Ya know...some people go on hunger strikes...some eat their own body parts.

*wonders if he had some fava beans and a nice chianti to go with that*

Our new union steward, Herr Donner.

The French have a habit of holding their bosses as hostages, and the Serbs have the habit of eating theirs.

I wonder if we could get this gentleman and Mr. BBQ Fork together.

You don't usually see a finger on a BBQ fork. It's usually a weiner.

snorks@horace and siouxie.

ya wants fries with that?

I suspect old Zoran isn't going to be gaveling any Mensa meetings to order anytime soon.

"...they will postpone planned self-mutilations..."

* wonders how limber these guys are *

That explains this...

Thank goodness no pictures. I wouldn't be eating my body parts. I'd be going after the jerks who hadn't paid me in years and removing their body parts. That's the way we do it in the US of A.

just EEWWW!

I'm glad to live in America where if we eat a finger it was someone else's finger that was accidentally cut off and mixed in with the fast food hamburger meat.

Exactly, Margaritaville! Then we sue someone and get mentioned on Dave's blog - if we're lucky - make the big bucks.

One wonders how many beers Mr. Edible Digit had first.

He's got the ten-piece value pack deal going.

Nine finger discount. Handicapped shoplifter.

WTG dude!! ^4!!!

*SNORK!@ Siouxie*

Qoting Margaritaville: 'I'm glad to live in America where if we eat a finger it was someone else's finger that was accidentally cut off and mixed in with the fast food hamburger meat.'

Or maybe Jimmy Hoffa............

Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Wiener, then everyone would be in love with me!

I've done that. More than once. In fact, one, two, three, um...

Not sure.

Definitely more than once, though.

Sh*t happens.

Labor wants to put a finger in the pie.

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