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April 29, 2009


What are you doing about the swine flu?
The what?
Duh: beer.
I am going about my normal routine, albeit with much wetter underpants.
I am having WAY less sex with animals.
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Me? I'm coughing and sneezing more around LOUD CELLPHONE TALKERS.

Eating more bacon to gain an immunity.

I've stopped breathing in.

I stopped drinking Mexican Wine (don't want Mexico's Wine Flu)

I'm consuming mass quantities of alcoholic beverages. Isn't alcohol a disinfectant??

i'll be keeping Kosher.

I'll be using wet underpants as a chic new breathing mask.

I wish I could say I'm doing something, but I'm just going to work and going home like usual.
Being a grown up sometimes leaves a lot to be desired.

If we're all gonna die anyways, can we just have one big blog orgy?

I voted for having way less sex with animals. NTTAWWT.

I had all my swine vaccinated.

Soux is goin' out if this world the same was she came in: nekkid, screaming, and kind of slippery.

exchanges a 'y' for an 's'. they're not even close to each other.

Forget Swine Flu. Now I'm worried about those of you having sex with animals. Siouxie the only way way to leave this world is screaming, naked, slippery, and unable to stand or sit up straight.
That's my plan.

It's more fun if you change the question to "Jack Bauer, what are you doing about your bioweapon infection?"

I got my pearls vaccinated before my swine. Was that wrong?

lipstick anyone?

I'm going to eat ,drink and make Merry.And Susan,and Alice,and Elizabeth.And-----.

Swine flew? I gess now I have to make good on all those "when pigs fly" remarks...

I caught a cold instead of Swine Flu. Darned airplane air.

I caught the, uh, swine flu, heh. Guess I can't ketch it no more. woof

I have increased my chocolate intake.

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