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February 23, 2009



(Thanks to Justin Barber)


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That's certainly a huge, dead-looking, feral Carpet Chihuahua.

There is asking for trouble and then there is insisting on it.

honey, that's not what i meant when i asked you to sleep in the bare.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is a way to order one just yet. My son is going on a trip in June with a youth group... I'm hoping he can get one in time.

That looks like coming upon a serious mauling accident.

That has " inevitable gunshot accident " written all over it.

Years ago, I gave up nagging my boys to make their beds, and instead gave them sleeping bags. I just told #2 son he's getting a new sleeping bag for his upcoming birthday. Now excuse me while I google "where to buy a sleeping bag that I saw on Dave's blog."

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