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January 29, 2009


(Thanks to bruce)


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So the zombies aren't in Texas, but they are 80 km west of Bangkok?

That one face was a little past(r)y

You may want to think again before placing an order for buns.

yeah that head wrapped in plastic in the aluminum pan just has "instant divorce" written all over it.

The place looks like a mortuary...

Um, no. The place looks like a serial killer's lair.

I guess we know where Rob's next birthday "cake" is coming from.

This guy needs to be watched very closely.

Siouxie wants the d'oh-nuts.


sick..... really

Not sure if this guy is working with a full loaf.

Hah! Annie!

Yeah butt...is the body part bread good??

He could make pastries with the heads. Fill the with prune filling and you when you cut it open you would think brains are coming out

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