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January 29, 2009


Mom, churchgoer, 'dildo lady'

(Also thanks to Danny)

Update: Be advised that if you don't read the comments for this one, you are missing some comments.


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My oldest son, Chris, is my right-hand man..


Two great quotes:

Her son is her 'right hand man'.

And 'intimacy hits the back door'.

How does her husband feel as the one who handles the defects?

GO MOM!!! :)

"The next one is Matthew, and he is doing daily operations for the warehouse and Lauren is working in the training department."

I thought these were even more disturbing job descriptions. Although I might want to sign up for one of Lauren's hands-on sessions...

Does your husband work at the company?

Believe it or not, [Bob Brisben] does all of our defectives ...

Like, how, exactly?

It's good to know she will have enough money to pay her children's psychiatric bills.

If it's a pain in the butt,there's too much intimacy hitting the back door.

It's winter. It's Canada. You can only play so much Scrabble.

School teachers are huge.
Ok, now I'm curious.

It's winter. It's Canada. Every actual living male left three months ago on an ice-fishing trip.

*takes notes*


Her stock is probably AAA rated. Maybe AA, or D or C even.

Yeah, that's what I want my Mom to be famous for :
"the Dildo Lady"

I see no problem with her spreading her message.

i went to one of these so-called 'parties'. the mental damage inflicted by a group of giggling women passing a VERY large and long pink squishy-plastic object to each other, using only their knees, will never be out of my head no matter how much brain bleach i get.

She heard the preacher say: "The word of the day is legs...go forth and spread the word."

(Yeah...and oldie butt still a goodie)

Nora?? and you did not invite me??? Hmmmmph!

many years ago, siou. obviously you would be the *ahem* mistress of honor at one of these types o' thangs!

Bob does all of "the defectives"? Tough job. Because you have Daryl, and the other brother Daryl, and let's not forget Cousin Daryl. I sure wouldn't want to do them.

I must say, these comments are a lot better than the ones posted to the article.

I don't know, redwave, I slightly snorked at the term "healthy sexulaity"! Typo, or not??

Those comments were pretty wild. "Satisfy my Thirsty Soul'? Whoa.

i am trying to envision being the arbiter of
" defective " products...being confronted by angry
( huge ) teachers...being tempted to tell them off...but anyone who can use THAT much intimacy cream; i wouldnt want to mess with them. ( That's a lot of intimacy cream ). Talk about getting the
"dirty end of the stick" !!

i am trying to envision being the arbiter of
" defective " products...being confronted by angry
( huge ) teachers...being tempted to tell them off...but anyone who can use THAT much intimacy cream; i wouldn't want to mess with them. ( That's a lot of intimacy cream ). Talk about getting the
"dirty end of the stick" !!

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