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January 02, 2009


(Thanks to Russell Mc, Kevin Meerschaert, and annette gaudreau)


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So that's where I left my other boot.

This HAS to have something to do with the wave (ha!) of single foot discoveries in the Pacific Northwest...

They won't get far on foot...

"Jethro? Ellie Mae? What did you do with those shoes I ordered for you, ye barefoot delinquents?!..."

A hit-and-run by Imelda Marcos?

Sheesh! Do I have to do everything myself?

judi, I saw that and wondered in Bush was in Miami ;-)

maybe imelda just cleaned out her closet.....

''At this point, no one's claimed the shoes,'' Santangelo said.

Run, Siouxie! Run!!

(Pick me up some size 9 Manolos, k?)

Well, better Miami than Mianus.

This never happens in Michigan.

Still no word on the socks I lost in the dryer, though, I take it....


oh yeah! i saw that commercial the other day where shoes were raining down on all the ladies and they were out scooping them up by the handful. funny, i didn't think that was in miami though.

It's raining flats and clogs.

Òîíêèé õîä ìûñëè ))

From the malls of Pensacola
To the stores with triple EEE's
We will find our pumps and sandals
With the Florida H.P.

(Okay, I know Tripoli is in Libya, not Iraq. But does that really matter?)

''At this point, no one's claimed the shoes,'' Santangelo said.

No sher, Shitlock.

If you think that's bad, wait until the aftermath of Bush's farewell motorcade.

I think the Bermuda Triangle threw up.

I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I think someone may have taken the Just Do It slogan a little too seriously.

I saw a TV reporter on the scene who actually saw a sea cow in the mayhem and cried "O! The Shoe Manatee!"

(sorry - I couldn't resist)

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