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January 30, 2009


To this person and this person.

(Thanks to queensbee, Siouxie and Mark Schlesinger)


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"A friend of Daniels picked up the horse."

Must be a really strong friend.

"A friend of Daniel's picked up the horse."

That's one strong friend.

The horse's left blinker wasn't on?

I met a lot of cars,ma,but no one passed me.

Clearly the old guy was looking for the Miami International Airport runway.

uh, it was probably daniel's relative, Jack.

The old guy's wife sent him out for some food and he got lost for ... forty miles? One word, dude: delivery.

And he waved and smiled at cops who were trying to flag him down? I guess he needed something besides doughnuts.

I've begun to realize that "news outlets" of the media provide stories such as these so that ... their local readers can laugh at such, and (one might only hope) successfully ignore similar foibles that occur among their local audience ...

Cody, WY has a newspaper, yet we see that Billings, MT and the UK are the ones who publicize the foolishness of the horse's rider ... and the UK also comments on a country that allows shenanigans created by 88-year-olds who should NOT be driving, while it's a bit surprising that Lincoln's paper (or one from Kansas City) did not offer up this near miss on the road of life ...

"Look at those silly Wyomingites/Americans ... we're NOT like that!" might be an underlying statement, if one reads between the lines ...

Merely observing ...

A white horse. Drunken guy not pictured. Snow also not pictured


Cheryl, I love their photo captions too LOL

Miss Cellania just posted this joke a few days ago!

As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, 'Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on Interstate 77. Please be careful!' 'Hell,' said Herman, 'It's not just one car. It's hundreds of them!'

On the white horse, with bad judgement
to the station
Black-roof country, no gold pavements,
Tired starlings
Snowy horses, look down moonroofs...

eh? eh? Metro wouldn't post my comment, so it's up to you kids to laugh and stoke my ego.

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