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December 08, 2008


(Thanks to DavCat, Matt Filar and Janice Gelb)


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So, would the toilet have to use itself?

If I were finishing up college seeking life experience before starting grad school, I would be SO applying for the job. I thought the Weinermobile was giving way to a smaller promotion involving Mini Coopers.

Oh I wish I were an....

yikes, how'd that comment get over here?

oops, wrong thread

Did anyone else notice that Oscar Mayer is consistently misspelled?

Yes, knowskie, as is "Wienermobile" by many well-intentioned, but nevertheless inaccurate, blogits.

"I before E" on the Wienermobile.

Nice spot, K. And you'd think that since EVERYBODY KNOWS THE SONG, they could spell O-S-C-A-R M-A-Y-E-R...

Does one have to live in Wienerville to apply? Or do they take applications from all over and pay translocation for the winning applicants? I'd leave the DH for this job....Just sayin'...

If it lasts more than four hours, call your doctor.

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