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December 01, 2008


Animal heads worry residents

(Thanks to DavCat)


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Clearly these people have never been to my neighborhood.

Deputy Roman Gabriel?

Perhaps someone just got really hungry.

From a written test for a Florida Driver's License:

When a vehicle reaches an intersection with a stop sign and an animal head, the driver must:

- stop and yield to crossing voodoo priests before proceeding
- stop and fire small arms into the air before proceeding
- stop and chant to the animal head before proceeding
- U turn and proceed without stopping until crossing over the state line, even if this means entering Cuba

Why the fuss? It's just somebody's Thanksgiving leftovers...

It's Santa Santeria!

Huh, a "grizzly scene," and they can't figure it out?

Sounds like dinner.
Reminds me of the duck heads left in my backyard. *shudder*
Or was it a headless duck? I don't know anymore.

did the chicken heads move when the bodies were liberated ?

Sounds like someone ate well over the holiday weekend.

We've got friends in Ocala and talked to them on turkey day...might have to give them a call back and see what's for Christmas dinner.

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