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October 03, 2008


You are wrong.

(Thanks to Claire Martin)


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Hope he doesn't dislocate his head anytime soon.

*hopes cg doesn't see this.*

Correction: *hopes cg's SONS don't see this*


*high-fours trevor wikre*

*snork at insom!*

*waves to Trevor*

snork @ telecom. It's nice to know that pointy ball inspires such dedication in its players. I love that he was "pissed" that his girl couldn't fix him dinner and watch Iron Man with him. Cuz he couldn't do that in the recovery room after surgery. He missed out! Poor guy.

That's either dedication or crazy.

M'ville: he plays O-line. It's both.

for Mesa State.
not Mensa State.

i quess Mesa State is not a thinking person's kinda school.

Unfortunately, he can no longer take tea with proper etiquette.

On the plus side, he can still flip the bird.

Ronnie Lott of the 49ers had part of a finger amputated so he could play in a game... don't know if it was his pinkie

So if the other guy from a couple of threads ago had amputated his own arm instead of shooting it...

maybe his girlfriend would have -- shall we say -- gotten back into the game??

Lesson learned.

I will never quit! Thumb swear!

So now he has Simpson hands.

(Homer, not OJ)

He was also mad about missing potato salad. Roarrrrr - Hulk smash!!

Sure hope his jockstrap don't get caught in a jersey. Or maybe that would be a good thing.

Aren't football players supposed to tape their pinkie and their ring fingers together so this kind of thing doesn't happen? My husband does that when he plays basketball, along with taping his index and middle fingers together. After three broken fingers (all from Basketball), his exasperated doctor read him the riot act and gave him a roll of surgical tape.

Annie: Mensa State's Chess Team leads the league in wedgies completed.

*snork* @ Meanie

But, no one has mentioned yet...The Colorado School of Mines? Or was that Mimes? WTF either way?

When he finds out it's not gonna grow back, he'll be so mad!

What is he going to do when he needs to count past nine?

Yes, emkay. The smart ones tape up. The others miss potato salad.

"Colorado School of Mimes"? He fakes right, fakes left, whoa he's stuck in a box....

Okay, nineteen if he counts his toes.

Live-blogging from the Drive-In (Beverly Hills Chihuahua) and cg says, "It's merely a flesh wound!"

"But man, I've cut your pinkie off!"

Colorado School of Mines is actually a well known school in the field of geology and mining and that kind of stuff. Their campus is near Golden, Colorado, the home of Coors Brewery.

So what does a Miner major in?

cg brought me Nerds. I think she thinks she's funny.

Telecom, you beat me to it. You sure know a lot of stuff for somebody from Eagle Rock! ;-)

Mines (for short) is also the only college I know of which got a plug in a John Wayne movie. Anyone wanna take a swing at which one?

You're not glad she didn't bring you Milk Duds, cj?

Okay, it must be the end of the week - I had to read Annie's post twice before I got it...and it's really good! Of course, now I have Gilbert & Sullivan's "The Major-General's Song" running through my head for some strange reason...

Okay, I'm off to get dinner and then to expose -er, I mean - show my 11 year-old daughter Young Frankenstein. Based on her response to Blazing Saddles, it's gonna be a good night.


*cue frantic neighing off-screen*

Heh, WD, I worked for Qwest back when it was called Firstel. I was recruited to help teach the old Mountain Bell folks how to be more competitive in the new telecom world. I also supervised the installation of Mines phone system, way back then. So that tells you what a geezer I am - it was right after divestiture. (1984)

I'll leave the John Wayne question to the other folks - I have an unfair advantage !

Emkay, that is a riot - I and my family are waiting at this moment for the lights to go down on the Broadway edition!

What hump?

I was gonna make espresso!

Well, Darn it! He missed the potato salad... And Iron Man... Tut, tut...

You all have a great weekend - gotta go !

and WD, I'm guessin' USC.

just guessin'

and, just for the record... I worked for Mountain Bell in '80-81

really, I did.

What is he going to do when he needs to count past nine?

Posted by: emkay | 07:27 PM on October 3, 2008


He gets naked, emkay.

so now he can count to 9.2 ...

CJ - you're at a talking dog movie.

Everything's funny.


Meanie - I AM SO JEALOUS! Have a wonderful time!

Meanie?? you're blogging from the theater???

btw...I saw it in March when I went to NYC and it is HILARIOUS!! you'll love it! ENJOY!!


Pardon me, Is this the Transylvania station?

Intermission. Time for some Ovaltine.

Maybe 100.2 percent.

Wait. Where are you going? I was going to make Espresso.

varm milk?

Walk this way.

Taffeta, darling.

I thought you wanted to.

CJ, tell cg *I* think she's funny, too!! :D

Abby who?

Abby Normal.

could be worse...

could be raining.

Put... . the candle... . back!

Vould you like to rrrroll in the hay?

what knockers!

WD query re: Wayne movie: The Spoilers? Tycoon?

Do they sell beer at the CSM football stadium? Or would that get them busted for selling alcohol to a Miner?

Oh my God. Woof.

didn't you make a yummy sound?

Elevate me!

*snork* @ Danny

Elevate me!

Here? Now?


I didn't make a yummy sound, I just asked you what it is.

"Oh Sweet Mystery of Life, at last I've Found you!"

Welcome back, bali!

Nice Hopping! Bali!!!

She's ..... a-LIVE!!!

Thank you Herr Doktor(s)! Good to be back!

There Wolf! There Castle! There Bali!!!

He vass...my BOYFRIEND!

If you're blue, and you don't know where to go to,
why don't you go to where humor sits,

David Barry's blog...

Dawwwid Bawwwy's Bwoog!!!

maybe I shoulda said, "If you (not yore) wear blue (shirts) and you...

aw, forget it...

No tongues!

hey, "It could work!!!"

"No tongues!"

YIKES! Sioux, nice simul!

woo hooo...psychic tongue simul with the baligurl!!

sweeeeeet!! ===~~

"What the hell are you doing in the bathroom day and night? Why don't you get out of there and give someone else a chance?"

Destiny, Destiny! no escaping that for me!

*passes a slice of Schwartzwald Kirchetort to everyone.*

He vould have an enormous schwanzstucker.

I missed you most of all, Wyo.


"a riot is an ugly ting... an' I tink it's chust about time dat vee had vone!"

Inspector Kemp: Vee had better confeerm de fect dat Yunk Frankenshtein iss indeed VALLOWING EEN EES GANDFADDA'S VOOTSHTAPS.
Villagers: What?
Inspector Kemp: Following in his grandfather's footsteps, footsteps, footsteps.

vell, I've just taken a sedagive, an' i'm off to bed...


My goodness, I go drop my daughter off at a friend's house and look what happens...isn't it past bedtime for some of you children?

his is a nice boy. This is a good boy. This is a mother's angel. And I want the world to know once and for all, and without any shame, that we love him.

Stay close to the candles, Wyo. The stairway can be... . treacherous.



*lobs a 'T' up to last quote."

I miss Madeleine Kahn. *SNIFF*

YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Oh... . I think I love him.

Okay, off to watch YF with my oldest daughter. hee...hee...heee

Off to Pennsylvania Station. Track 29.

One last thought:

We've all of us got to behave normally. :-)

everybody's bailing? k, then. me, too. G'night, yall!

Ixnay on the ottenray.

And goodnight, everyone!

Good night, Frau bali.

sweet mystery of life, indeed...

So I got back from the second best Mexican joint in town too late...?

The John Wayne movie that gave Colorado School of Mines a plug was "The Sons of Katie Elder". (I was two when it was released.)

*Switches on the blog nightlight and toddles off to bed*

Lots of *snorks,* all around. Something I noticed that the makers did in the talking dog movie, was they through in an adult-funny line at about the same time they through in a sight-gag or something for the kids, so everybody laughed at the same time. No constant, awkward, "What are you laughing at?" stuff; everybody happy.

(Still, "Young Frankentstein" [that's Frankenstein!] woulda been better)

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