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October 30, 2008


(Thanks to Doug Ensign)


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Apparently that was "Reliving My High School Years Musical 3".

So they were expecting Vanessa Hudgens to have clothes on?

Besides, HSM3 is FAR more detrimental to little kids than a bit of exposed skin.

"Which movie am I supposed to set up on #3?"

"The one about all the teenagers who have never had sex."

"Got it!"

Was it the waltzing scene?

Thanks, DPC. As if need another reason. Not only do my kids not watch these movies, Mrs. Circuit and I have banned the Disney Channel in our house. I'm sorry, but the last thing I want is more over-sexualized kids around.

Did the people who got HSM3 instead of "Sex Drive" get apologies and free tickets and vouchers for concession stuff?

Or did they not notice the difference?

Judging by what goes on in high schools, I wonder if you could even tell the difference.

Mormons get to watch HSM3? Doesn't it have dancing in it? Whatever is this world coming to?

circuit7 - we don't watch Dizney because the writing/acting make Mommy's eyes twitch. "The Simpsons" and "Family Guy" are much better.

I sure hope Mrs. Blog and Sophie were not subjected to this smut!

I can't believe I'm the first to note that the spokesman is Mr. Whipple. "Please don't squeeze the projectionist's throat."

"Sex Drive" is actually allowed to be shown in Utah??!!

Braniff--I thinks its a part of the go forth and procreate campaign.

LOL Annie, I believe you but we don't watch either of those shows for the same reason.

Incidentally, my kids do not appear to have suffered any ill effects from lack of television. My teenagers spend much more time in front of it and put on weight and became noticeably more selfish, sarcastic and flat-out lazy.

Honestly, reading the comments there, you'd think they were exposed to some porn instead of 2 minutes of an R rated movie. BTW, one commenter hit the nail on the head when he said that the trailers should have tipped the parents off....

Honestly, reading the comments there, you'd think they were exposed to some porn instead of 2 minutes of an R rated movie. BTW, one commenter hit the nail on the head when he said that the trailers should have tipped the parents off....

"Utahns"? Seriously? That's what they call themselves? No wonder they're so weird.

Annie- Mormons are amazing dancers.

Kathybear - absolutely right.
Suzy Q - I thought the same thing - kinda wanna yawn in the middle of that word.
Circuit7 - television ain't the baddie. I've seen just as many people turn off their brains in church as I've seen turn them off in front of the tv. Interactivity is key.

"Sex Drive" is actually allowed to be shown in Utah??!!

Posted by: Braniff | 12:51 PM on October 30, 2008

I was thinking the same thing. I had a layover at the Salt Lake City airport. You know how stores put those black boards in front of "adult magazines," only exposing the title? At the SLC airport, they covered up the bikini clad models covering Shape, Self and the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition.

Could call them Utahrds like everyone else.


Oh, sorry.

Having dealt with "utahns" quite a lot, this just tickles me no end. The mayor of one of the towns we used to take the kids to for the ultra-cool water park, shut it down completely, a couple of years ago, because the bathing suits and boys with no shirts was way more than tender "utahns" can take. The actual bodies that G-d made are offensive to them.
Oh the irony.

No kidding, Telecom. If you don't want to deal with something, ban it. That works. Not!

Do you think this theater will be playing "Zach and Miri Make A Porno?"

What's the big deal? Disney has had nudity in its films for years! Donald Duck has NEVER worn pants!

Never mind: http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/zackandmiri_blog.html

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