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October 30, 2008


It has begun.


(Thanks to Siouxie)


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Any word on the French?

I'm willing to be some parents got together and conspired to off Mr. Legoman.

I was wondering where that had gone.

Careful. It could be a Trojan Lego man full of squirrels.


The case of the disappearing post?

"Papa! You have returned to us from the sea!!!

Did you bring us anything??"

i for one welcome our new maxifig lego overlords!

*WAVES @ Hammie!!!*

Kicks my above post in the "t". I was willing to "bet".

Lego Beast!

(That's actually funny, if you speak Jamaican)

Me too, insom.

What is really odd is that about a year ago a different LEGO man landed on a Dutch beach

I think he is just traveling around Europe.

Bob, I remember that and thought this was an old article at first.

Also..."The Traveling Lego Men" WBAGNFARB

What, you think he wouldn't change his clothes in a year?

Bloody thing spooked the hell outta me!

The giant LEGO man pictured on Bob's link above must have come all the way from Asia! It has a cryptic phrase on its front written in Chinglish: "NO REAL THAN YOU ARE."

Drug traffikers are getting mighty creative lately.

Siouxie: nice link!

Looks like he's more of a Duplo man, isn't he? And a non-anatomically correct one if he isn't a wigless she....

What is really odd is that about a year ago a different LEGO man landed on a Dutch beach.

You got Dis LegoMenOn da beach, bsnork, bsnork, bsnork?

.... sorry i wont do that again ...

dances, how long have you been waiting to pull that one out of your hat?

dances, how long have you been waiting to pull that one out of your Daibatsu hat?

Hmmm, about a third of a century, I'spose. Definitely worth the wait. Thanks for asking!

He's in Brighton now? I guess he just didn't want to go Dutch....

Lego of my punchline!

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