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October 08, 2008


(Thanks to Danny)


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Great tits have finished moulting and are looking very glossy and colourful.

Who has been peeking into my bedroom???

(And I can't help the moulting thing - it's a gland problem)

Great tits have finished moulting and are looking very glossy and colourful.

...also, they're real and they're spectacular.

Need pics . . .

"In November and December, as it gets colder, they will fall almost completely silent, but in the new year they will take up their territories more firmly again...."

Happens to us guys, too.

it always helps to stay abreast of ornithology...

Yes, we wouldn't have to peek into your bedrooms if you'd supply pictures of your glossy, colorful, real, spectacular tracts of land! *smile*

Good LORD! Who gave Dave the triple espresso with a side of Sudafed?!?!?

*SNORK* @ Punkin!!

they prefer to go off with other great tits

A scientific explanation for females all going to the bathroom together.

But are they real?

... and their song will be heard regularly from then on until June.

Thanks for the mammaries...

...they prefer to go off with other great tits and feed on the mast ...

Lucky mast.

In November and December, as it gets colder, they will fall almost completely silent, but in the new year they will take up their territories more firmly again...

Frozen nips will do that. Punkin told me.

And the guy (it had to be a guy) who originally named a small unassuming little bird after a prominent feature of female anatomy is still pissing himself with laughter, even from the grave.

The males have a gleaming black cap and collar...

The males? Must be the larger one, on the right.

Shouldn't this have been reported by a perky news team?

I say that all the time, and I usually get slapped.

That's what keeps them quiet for two months. The slapping.

Moulting? Moulting?

*waves @ Hammie!!*

*WAVES @ Hammie!!!*

Maybe they meant to say melting??

"They are warning other great tits that the territory is still theirs."

I don't understand why this article about birds suddenly veers off into a description of starlets arguing over the best table in a Beverly Hills restaurant.

This is why New Englanders have the expression "Colder than a Witches tit".

Well, not so much an expression, as a unit of measure. You guys don't wanna know how cold it gets for "snowballs".

When the frost is on the Punkin....

This appeared in a local paper in England once, I swear:
"In this cold weather it is amazing how many blue tits you see around."
I think the subeditors do it when they are bored.

Why, thank you!

APRoPO JOKE. A woman swimming approached the beach.,only to realize her top was gone. Since the beach was crowded at the time, she tredded water'til most of the crowd had left.

Just two boys remained at the water's edge, when (with her arms crossed) she approached the kids. One boy shouted,"Hey lady, if you're gonna drown those kittens, I'll take the one with the pink nose."

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