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October 08, 2008


It's a many-splendored thing.


(Thanks to Siouxie)


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SO much better than MY divorce....I got half the kids.

Too bad it was the half that talks.

Whine , whine, whine..."Where are my legs, Mom? Pick me up, the dog is chewing on my exposed spine, Mom!" Ungrateful little (very little) kids.

EWWW Punkin!

Did they saw divide the animals too??

"We devided it exactly evenly, but I know I got the better half. I have the bathroom."

Well I'm glad it seemed to be well thought out and amicable. I hope they don't have a monsoon any time soon.

If Brad and Angelina inspect this house, I bet they find all kinds of code violations.

She got the room with the view.

..and it's very airy...

Now I know what subprime means.

Looks like an equal division of the asses...er, assets.

I was in a halfway house once....

He's staying with his parents so that they can take care of him when he falls ill. I'll buy the bullets. Who's with me?

Sh*t! Damned schizophrenia's actin' up again... Maybe I'll move in with my dad...

Sometimes love is a somewhat splendored thing.

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