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October 29, 2008


Andy the TropicHunt.com Guy™ has all kinds of great stuff on his excellent site, including this photo:



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I have to admit that that really wasn't a baaaaaaaad photo. :)

"Baby, eeeeeeewe send me..."

Baaaaa Baaaaaa!

Andy? did you get my photos???

As God is my witness, I thought sheep could not fly.

Siouxie: Yep! I'll be getting to them soon.

I hope the brass section was issued ponchos.

Must've used a trebaaachet.

that was the only clue my group figured out. 'tubas! something with the tubas!' that's as far as we got.

I wanna be first chair in the mint jelly section.

I wanna be in the woolwind section.

anyone playing the ewe-phonium?

Who's on baass?

What the video doesn't show is, as the final puzzle staggered on later and there was no winner, the sheep hit the fan.

Usually it is the viola section that is high on something.

Are they playing "Who put the ram in the ram-a lamb-a ding-dong?"


Andy, in my opinion, if this CD is ever re-released, your shot should be the cover.

Also, I was going to attempt some sort of a Pink Floyd sheep joke, but I couldn't think of the right ewephemism.

For WriterDude:

"Hey Ewe"

Owwww, good one, Cat!

Thank ewe. Thank ewe very much.

Shear brilliance, all of you!

Baa-baa-baa, baa-baa-bra-Ayunnnnn!

We interrupt this half hour infommercial, to laugh at sheep.

I herd that!

I hate thet the Ray's starting pitcher, tonight, is named Balfour.

Four? Really?

Yes. Really. The funniest thing is they pulled him for a reliever, after his teammates dropped two easy catches and made a terrible throw. The Rays are very young, and quite frozen; it shows.

Holy cow! Both sides have pulled pitchers within 30 minutes! This isn't a baseball game, it's a sprint for 3 innings!


I don't have a dog in this fight, so I've got to lean on the side of the NL. However, after the rain postponement, I'm hoping the Rays at least win tonight, if not bringing it back to 3-3 in Fla. No one can say what an alternate universe holds, but interrupting the potential Series winner/loser for two days before finishing the last 3-1/2 innings??? That would really suck! So tonight, GO RAYS!

frodo, I'm with you in both cases; I'm a pointy ball fan. On the other hand, I've been invited to a business meeting in a hot tub, so I have to get on my coat and tiebathing suit and head for the beach. Please root for the Raysicles, while I 'm out of pocket 've been in the pool!

Well, drink one say hi to everyone for me!

Florida, the heartlamb of America.

They must still have Woolworth department stores there.

Ok! Enough with the sheepish looks!

I get it. It's a French sheep, and that photo is the 'Fleece de Resistance'.....

Ewe're all killin' me!

Pirate, the other day you asked why anyone would live here. In short, I live here because lotsa people don't.

Photo submitted by Salvador Dali, I presume.

Wyo: Pretty country you're in, but you don't have to dress up like Chilly Willy to shovel smog here. I believe I can recall a few 80 degree Christmas afternoons (good!) spent watching the criminals drive down my block (bad!)

People who live near trees and non-burned forests seem to have fewer drive by shootings. Cause and effect, perhaps?

"Okay, and then as the brass crescendos, the sheep will enter from left."

"And as woodwinds we should, wait, a sheep?"

"Yeah, from the left. During the brass crescendo."

"Oh no. This is just like the Nam."


"Well, not just like."


*runs, jumps into Christobols' arms, 'cept he's not extending them - I fall to the floor*

Ow. I think I bruised a shank.

Can’t see, do-re-mi, cripplin’ mankind
Big king, little fling, I can’t define
Confusion, delusions, clutter my mind
Incensed, then I commenced, those puzzles to find

Who chose that game’s darn clues?
How can I win, with tubas and ewes?

Nonsense and stress intense,
Meaningless nouns
Walk on, drop in, dart your eyes around
Look at the time, look at the time

Thoughts collide; this cockeyed Hunt’s not through
Throw your pride to one side, it’s the least you can do
Cheap tricks, the number six frustrates anew
A yardstick for lunatics, one point of view

Who cares; I know I’ll lose
Since I can’t win, I’ll go hit the booze

Torments, these cursed events
Torments, these cursed events

Sha la la
Sha la la
Sha la la

Don't pepper-mince your parody, JD. And if you eat jam in bed, you risk getting Strawberry on your Alarm Clock.

Nicely done. Now I've got an earwig the size of, well, the creature pulled from Checkov's ear from the Wrath of Khan (Fine Corinthian leather, Ricardo!)

Lovely, Ducky.

I'm back, and now have all of my toes back.

The business meeting was useful, but the hot tub blew up. I mean that, literally, because the hot tub...well, it blew up and shot sparks into the ceiling. My toes are fine now, thanks for asking.

Better get a move on, or it's gonna miss the rendezvous with the Mothersheep.

Nice one, Ducky. Is that based on "Incense and Peppermint Jelly"?

*Congrats to all Phils phans, and also to a worthy but out weathered Rays team."

*stumble, stumble*

Is this thing on, or am I still counting sheep?

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