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October 31, 2008


Atlanta cracks down on buffet violators.

(Thanks to DavCat)


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Get a rope...

I'm with Linscomb on this one

"...arrested Linscomb on a charge of theft of services."

It's a buffet. What services?

Should have claimed the "mouse did it" defense.

Buffet Violators?

Am I the only one expecting this to be a story like the guy making love to his Toyota?

Anyone? Siouxie? Bueller?

Wouldn't know, Jeff. I thought it was about people eating in the buff.

When the accused says his girlfriend ate "a couple of bites" off his plate, you can be pretty sure that she scarfed down at least a couple of platefuls.

And a buffet place that only costs $7 ?? It's worth the plane fare to Atlanta.

I thought this was going to be a Vampire Slayer story, especially today...

Or boofey violaters, as my dad would call them. It's embarrassing just to say it.

This song is called Iron Skillet Restaurant, and it's not about the skillet, it’s about the restaurant, but Iron Skillet Restaurant is the name of the restaurant, and the song needed a name, and that's why I called the song Iron Skillet Restaurant.

You can get as much as you want at Iron Skillet Restaurant
You can get as much as you want at Iron Skillet Restaurant
Walk right in it's around the back
Just seven bucks and your plate gets stacked
You can get as much as you want at Iron Skillet Restaurant

Now it all started about one Halloween ago, was on - two days ago on
Halloween, when my girl and I went east to visit Atlanta and went lookin’ for a restaurant, but we didn’t have enough money for both of us to eat in a regular restaurant, but she found a restaurant that didn’t charge much to take as much as you could eat and didn’t have any restrictive signs about how many people could eat from the same plate, so we figured we’d spend a couple hours, and get enough for the both of us and Fasha the dog.

[continues in this vein for 18 minutes]

You can get as much as you want at Iron Skillet Restaurant
You can get as much as you want at Iron Skillet Restaurant
Walk right in it's around the back
Just seven bucks and your plate gets stacked
You can get as much as you want at Iron Skillet Restaurant

YAY Meanie!! excellent as usual!

Nikita Hightower?

What a cheap-@ss date...


Thanks for the earwig! Hadn't heard that in a few years... Was it really 18 minutes? Seemed like 56 to me... or 1-1/2, depending on what we were smok the color of the aci , uuummmm, had been brought to the party.

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