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September 16, 2008


Even for the little furred bastards, this is low.

Update: They have allies.

Update: And we are not so sure that this so-called "pet" is not involved.


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Well, that settles it. From now on I'm using Depends®


I mean, the bathroom at the gas station was locked...give a guy a break, will ya...

two geckos were walking around freely in the room where police arrested three men and a women, all from Rome.

News stories just don't get better than that.

As for the cat in the toilet: when was the last time firemen cut down a tree because a cat was stuck in it?

As far as flying squirrels go, 10 kilometers is NOT FAR ENOUGH away... And, ewwww!

They should definitely turn the first story into a PSA featuring that kid. "Look before you sit" is a phrase to remember at all times.

"Look before you sit"

Any lessons in that, you reckon?


AOL.ca ? isn't that an oxymoron?

Please come this site.

Please leave this site.

Hey, Sio -- you out there?

Flying squirrels are REALLY cute. They don't really resemble the big gray terrorist squirrels. It used to be legal to keep them as pets, actually.

The free-ranging gecko sentence is brilliant.

Speakin' of "REALLY cute:" Welcome to Telecomdropout.

"Look before you sit,"...
How many domestic arguments would be avoided, if one member of the aforesaid domestic argument would heed that advice????

Believe me, I know...cats are so hard to flush!

People who use this method for washing their cat should have a good friend who owns a plumbing shop. (Discount porcelain.)

*zaps in for a sec*

YAY Tel!! you are HAWT!!!

WD - I'm in and out. Watching the big tv now. Leave a message.


*zaps out*

Heya Wyo
How's things out your way?

Mville, we established that you and your cat seem to have problems in the loo a few posts back, didn't we?

Watch me pull a rabbit out of this crap.

Oops...and here i thot all my nightmares of finding a live animal inside the pot were baseless! thanks for enlightening...Look before u sit!!

That's funny.

mighty wet hat...

Kathybear, I don't have a cat. And neither do the neighbors. Now.

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