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September 05, 2008


Not to mention AGNFARB: Greek Rural Postmen and Their Cancellation Numbers

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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No, really, sounds riveting.

Please, no one give away the ending, OK?

. . . .
Why The Madam as Entrepreneur: Career Management in House Prostitution, American Bottom Archaeology, and China National Publications' title Population and Other Problems did not make the top three was not explained.

. . . .

Should I be concerned that more than 500 libraries own the title on career management, including more than 20 in Florida?

Chapter 37 was so exci....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

You had me at Greek


help! i have insomnia........here............thud.

soon to be a major motion picture ...

(cue the trailer "In a world gone mad, wouldn't you like to go postal for a change?")

(retitled as "My Big Fat Greek Postman")

starring Jessica Simpson ("No, Helena, you lick the stamp before it's on the envelope.") and Steve Buscemi as the lovelorn Postman whose cancellation number , coincidentally wins the lottery.

"The feel-movie of the Olympiad"-Leonard Maltin

screenplay written by Nia Vardalos, Jeffrey Eugenides, and Sophocles.

that would be 'feel-good movie...'

With Jessica, 'feel movie' would be more appropriate, don't you think?

People Who Don't Know They're Dead: How They Attach Themselves to Unsuspecting Bystanders and What to Do About It, and How to Avoid Huge Ships.

Is this all one book? I MUST read it!

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