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September 05, 2008


Pull My Finger

(Thanks to Bill Hudgins)


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Victor Wang?

There was a competition? Don't tell Walter about this either.

Yay! Dave is back! um... booger!

Needs music.

("Mom, what are Grandpa and Uncle Louie doing in the bathroom with the video camera?"


Could I use the sounds as my ring tone?

I hope to record my youngest burping "keeper" that I can use on the soccer sidelines.

Yeah, they are right. Only fifty percent of the population is going to like that. A lot. By this I mean guys in general.

I would so like to have one of these! I'm currently engaged in a prolonged round of union contract bargaining. When the other side (boo! hiss!) brings in their latest proposal, the concept of "pull my finger" would be just about perfect.

What a gas!

The "pull my finger" video is out of this world. Thanks Cat R.

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