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September 17, 2008


Do your research.

(Thanks to Cynth Arnold)


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Don't you play Pin-The-Tail-On-The-Donkey at Pooh's Bar?

Maybe it wasn't a bullet(?)

That cop capped his @ss.

Pooh's Corner is a cop bar? Who'd a thunk it?

Clearly alcohol was involved, otherwise, that bullet is going right between the eyebrows.

"Here, hold my beer."

An couple of idiots walk into a bar...

alcohol was involved - for the others. this moron didnt get a chance to steal enuf so he could drink. duuuuh.

I shouldn't laugh at that, but I did.

"Next time we should just go hold up a donut shop."


So a bar full of the local constabulary managed to catch one of the ... never mind.

JEC, if you click the link at the bottom of the story it says they caught the second suspect "a short time later".

hee. as for the butt-shot bandit, he was served up swift and "intimate justice". a concept that one of my professors used to refer to as "enema justice". a fitting phrase in this case, huh?

I think we've got Gator fans.

I'd say the officer blew the perp's @$$ away...except he only did a half-@$$ed job of it...

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