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August 27, 2008


There really hasn't been all that much protesting here.


Partly I think this is because Denver is a mellow place. Also there are many highly visible police.


Still, there are people expressing various points of view.


Also of course there are vendors.


The Trojan people are set up right next to the convention center.



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I am strangely attracted to the Obama girl T-shirt.

Also, a deflated balloon is not good advirtising for Trojan.

rut roh! Rednecks for Obama?? McCain's in trubble now.

a vote for obama is a vote for dead children

have we put those on the registration rolls here in florida?

Can you get an Obama Guy stuffed codpiece?

Those rednecks are always so classy. They've got their laundry hangin' out behind 'em.

I'm thinking of getting these.

*WAVES thong @ Hammie!!!*

The Obama Girl t-shirt would be way cooler if his name was ObamO!

Or 'RACK the Vote!'

Siouxie, don't forget to get your cat something too...

Siouxie - better get the BOLD font. ;)

Hammie, I did find this one.

Dear Blog:

1] Select photo
2] Right click, send to, Email, "Would you like to compress these photos for email"?
3] Yes, that would be nice.
4] After they are compressed and sitting there in a fake email message, just copy the attached (now, compressed) photos and paste them in a folder.
5] Voila,a free, fairly easy wasy to compress CrapCam photos down to make them easier to send and load.
6] Booger!

Why would the dim-o-craps need Trojans? I mean, they never...

Annie? are you saying I have a font-challenged @ss??

Steve, I'll pass on that. NObama for my pussy kitty ;-P

Oh yeah we do. Especially when a Repooplican is paying for it.

Siouxie - you seem to be an Arial Bold type. I'm more of a Papyrus Italic myself.

that's more police than the chinese had lining the olympic marathon course!

So THATS why making a certain single-digit hand gesture is called "shooting the bird"!!!

btw Dave, any chance of moving the campaign juggernaut forward while in Denver?

"Dear Blog:

1] Select photo
2] Right click, send to, Email, "Would you like to compress these photos for email"?
3] Yes, that would be nice.
4] After they are compressed and sitting there in a fake email message, just copy the attached (now, compressed) photos and paste them in a folder.
5] Voila,a free, fairly easy wasy to compress CrapCam photos down to make them easier to send and load.
6] Booger!"

blah, blah, blah, blah, nerdspeak, blah, blah, booger!

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