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August 18, 2008


Two people escaped injury Saturday after a pickup was destroyed by fire following a collision with a suspected llama. The driver of the vehicle was arrested for suspicion of DUI.

"Suspected Llama" would be a good name for a rock band.

(Thanks to Jeff Allender)


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"Suspected llama"? Shouldn't it be "alleged" llama? Or is it pronounced "ayeged"? I always forget.

Does prat mean the same in American as it does in English?

Time to send the writer back for remedial English 101.

Suspected llama? It was probably a goat.

Suspected llama is now on the llam.

is a suspected llama different from a fictional llama, or even an imagined one???? llammmmmas!
welcome home dave.

What KIND of llama was it? Ecuadorian Mountain Llama? Venezuelan Red Llama? Mexican Whooping Llama? North Chilean Guanacos (closely related to the llama)? Has anyone checked with "Llama-Fresh" Farms LTD.?

When will they be sure if it's a llama?

Wouldn't "Llama of Interest" be more proper?

It could just be an over-achieving goat.

Cop: "Hey, drunk guy.."
Drunk Guy: "Yesh?"
Cop: "What did you hit??"
DG: Welllll oshifer, I suspect it was a llllamma, because I swerved to miss the efalump.....hey, these cuffs are tighter than last time...."
Cop: "Watch your head, sir"

I demand to see an attorney

What was the llama carrying, a flame thrower and incendiary grenades?!?... That is one DANGEROUS llama!...

"Llama" may be good word for a rock band's name, but never, NEVER use it in a song.

Big wheels keep on burning
Ain't takin' me home to see my kin
Singing songs about the Southland
I miss my llamas once again
And I think its a sin, yes

Well I heard mister Young sing about her
Well, I heard ole Neil put her down
Well, I hope Neil Young will remember
A big a$$ed llama don't need him around anyhow

Sweet home and my llamas
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home and my llamas
Lord, I'm coming home to you

In Birmingham they love the llamas
Now we all did what we could do
Now my llamas do not bother me
Does your llama bother you?
Tell the truth

Sweet home and my llamas
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home and my llamas
Lord, I'm coming home to you
Here I come little llamas

Turn it up, Hammond...

never did trust that llama...

YAY, Hammie Lynard!

wwhamma llama dding ddong!

Free-llama! Free-llama!

Llama, my @ss! It was chupacabra!!!

That pictures makes it look like it might have been a suicide llama.

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