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August 27, 2008


Surprisingly, alcohol was involved.

(Thanks to Chris Kaiser)


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Golly, he sure looks innocent to me. Maybe he got arrested for sending for Bud. THAT would be a crime.

You just can't trust hostages these days...

It's not like the good old times back in Stockholm.

And you notice he didn't ask for beer nuts or pretzels or anything!

This dude is hard core....

Aww Annie, that wouldn't be beer, that'd be a lab specimen.

I'm just relieved it wasn't a Floridian this time. ;-)

And the black eye? It probably went something like this:

*Knock, knock* "Beer delivery!!"

"All riigghhtttt!" *opens door*

*Thump!! Smack!!* "OOooowww..."

CJ obviously has experience with this sort of thing.

"You fly and I'll buy."

"Goodbye, idiot guy."

So what's the opposite of Stockholm Syndrome? And technically alcohol wasn't involved, it was about to be involved. So this jackass has no excuse.

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