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July 29, 2008


Chihuahuas provoke attack on nude beach

(Thanks to B. Kizer)


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Where did he keep the baton if he was sunbathing in the .... on second thought, I don't want to know.

Yo quiero... que?

Possession of two chihuahuas is sufficient provocation for me. Little rats in dog-suits.

Me either.

Maybe he was just a Boy Sc0ut and was prepared for a Chihuahua Attack - which WBAGNFARB.

Are they sure they weren't weiner dogs?

*onsiders taco joke, reconsiders*

makes note to pack police baton and mace in beach bag for next outing.

Wow. A 45-year-old man gets to testify in court that he was attacked by a 74-year-old man, and that he was unable to defend himself or flee to the point that he sustained injuries that needed medical attention. How proud he must be. I suggest he do two things in the future: 1) avoid retirement communities so that he is not further victimized, and 2) control his stupid, hairless, overgrown yapping rats, and then there might not be a problem in the first place!

Who you calling a stupid, hairless, overgrown yapping rat, you ee-diot!

Poor Chihuahuas. They're always getting a bad rap.

Guess it makes sense they had hairless dogs on a nude beach.

That is one crime that should never have been reported...
The real crime is that there was a 74 yo man on a nude beach!

Never realized one could be charged with "menacing".

... so, when the aliens come and "menace" we can have them arrested?

From the mug shot, the gentleman (?) doesn't believe in sunblock while sunbathing nude. OOOOOUCCH!!!!!!!!!!!

Well he looks like a sweet old man you'd expect to see on a nude beach.

what was that guy afraid of - little teeeny dogs - they couldnt even reach his wrinkled ole johnson!! i agreee. eeee-diot.

Did the arresting officer perform a reverse strip search?

Assault and menacing?!?

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