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July 31, 2008


Stinky gambler fuming over NJ casino ejection

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson and sjhaller)


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"I would like an apology,"
Okay. We're sorry you stink.

This gentlemen is probably not wearing pantyhose or guyliner.

They should have tossed him in The River.

What?? The fishes don't want him sleeping with them...

After an entire week of Don Rickles references, you fail to include Don in a story of a stinky gambler in Atlantic City????

This is Atlantic City. Surely there are more civil ways to handle this?

The only thing to do in this case would be to sue the Ca$ino for not providing shower facilities.

This guy is ripe to appear in a Degree commercial. "You won't need to count the hours since your last bath so you can get back to counting cards."

The smoke level in casinos being what it is, I'm surprised they could smell him. The guy should have just rubbed a stogie butt all over his body, then he'd be socially acceptable there.

Am I missing something here?

The manager followed him into the restroom and told him there that patrons were complaining about his robust odor. But he complains that the manager told him about it in front of the other patrons.

What, he was supposed to wait for the mens room to be completely EMPTY?

Then the guy demanded a FREE room to take a shower?

Sounds to me like he was looking for a free ride when his luck at the table wasn't so hot.

I think I sat next to this guy on a flight last year.

I used to work in a ca$ino and there were slot players who would (do something in their pants that they would need Depends for) in their chairs to avoid losing their "lucky" machine. Worst 2 years of my working life... I saw things I wouldn't even THINK of doing -- EVER!

An apology? Sure. No sweat.

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