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May 27, 2008


If you're buying watermelon at Wal-Mart, watch out.

This has been your Scorpion Advisory

(Thanks to insomniac)


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From the Aussie version of the story, Stowaway Scorpion would not only BAGNFARB but an excellent name for a CBS-TV Movie of the Week.

Yay, insom got posted!
The doctors had to go online and research some of the stuff.
Oh, yay. Didn't really want to know that doctors rely on the Internet for researching 'stuff.'

YAY insom!

And that, my dear people, is why I don't eat watermelon. Or go to Wallymart.

Annie, the internets are new in Other Virginny. Any excuse to look stuff up.

The doctors had to go online and research some of the stuff.

THAT'S how they justified those p0rn sites they hit!!!

... and how do you sell something you just named!?

Hey! It could have been worse! Imagine getting bitten by him?

"if i were a scorpion
and you were a lady
would i sting you anyway
would you sell me on eBay?"

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