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May 30, 2008


Always in step with the needs of the global community.

(Thanks to the Perts)


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At last supermodels can have their own line of dishware.

Their next project is to create teeny tiny chopsticks.
Still no cure for cancer.

Teeny tiny Moms will still say, "Don't slurp the whole thing down at once."

Customer: Waiter, what's this carbon nanotube doing in my soup?

Waiter: Kabuki?

Microscopic Noodles WBAGNFA Japanese RB.

Weight Watchers should get on board with this.

Talk about portion control.

*breakfast-cereal milk SNORK at Meanie*

All you can eat! find!

I'll have 10,000 bowls of noodles, please.

*SNORK!*@ Flounder Siouxie

Which is now being served on the craft service tables of many fashion shoots.

Well, with food prices these days...

Finally, a logical explanation why I'm hungry after eating oriental food.

Everyone ought to read what you've written because it contains a wealth of knowledge that can help them become more open-minded. I am extremely appreciative of that. run 3

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