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May 27, 2008



(Thanks to The Perts)


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We're going to need a lot more parsley . . .

There is not a pan on earth big enough to fry that thing.

Fry it up and have some space beer to go with it and you have the ultimate cosmic over/under dinner.

Guys bring the weirdest things home.
"Honey, what is this 225 kg squid doing in the freezer?"
"I thought it was kinda cool."


Grab a fork and pass the marinara!

There's another one currently be disescted - don't think a piece or two have made it home?

Me neither.

Giant squids seem to be getting a lot of ink these days.

Hoola hoop sized Calamare.

How'd they know it died before they caught it?

I've actually swam in those waters but I don't think that's why it died.

Somewhere in Detroit a RedWings fan is trying to figure out how to throw it onto the ice rink.

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