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May 27, 2008


Port St. Lucie man arrested with beef sticks and 'hot sausages' in pants

(Thanks to Matt Filar and Danny)


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Boston, who has gold teeth, said he was stealing the beef products because he had to feed his kids.

SELL the damn teeth and feed your kids.

Could've been worse, just one sticking out of his pants . . .

And nothing says "Daddy loves you" like a dinner of Slim Jims....

Please note that this man lives in Florida. That is all.

If I had a nickle for every time someone thought I had a 'hot sausage' in my pants, I'd have enough money to buy a Slim Jim. Not one of those big ones, just the regular size.

Once the Mets move up North from Spring Training, many people to resort to alternative means to support one's family.

Somehow I think his nickname henceforth is going to be "Slim Jim". And he's never going to live it down.

what a jerk(y)!!

It took police 20 minutes to frisk the suspect.

"Yes officer, I swear that was the last of them -- OW!"

"Boston called the clerk a lesbian after she said she was going to call the police." She was clearly a lesbian, for as not to be completely turned on by the hot sausages in his pants.

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