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May 30, 2008


Lard Art

Key quote: ...you can enjoy instructions on how to make a vase of roses out of strips of fat, or produce the reverse (?!) portrait of Santa Claus in slabs of fat, or marvel at the photos of Mr. Fleiss' "first prize" (?) 200-pound fat sculpture of a cathedral done entirely in slips and chunks and strips of fat. 

(Thanks to Russell Mc)


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Thanks Judi. I didn't need any lunch today, anyway.

That is how I was trying to describe my Memorial Day attempt at grilling: Lard Art

I have worshipped at the altar of bacon many times.

(And, yes, it shows.)

200-pound fat sculpture of a cathedral..
-St Fatrick's?

*snork* Annie!



I wonder if anyone's ever made a lard sculpture of Hillary Clinton.

Mmmmm, bacon.

... Or if high school kids in British Columbia make lard Les Paul guitars for the British Columbia Teachers' Federation's annual lard-sculpture competition.

Canada: Just a little bit odd.

I AM Lard Art... Worship me...

"Velvet Liberace and the Discovery of Bone." Speechless. But a GNFA cover band.

Ass a bacon lover, I would consider this to be art.

I think I will choose a different fashion consultant . . .

When I was in Germany several years back, I had lard on toast for breakfast. I also had several small heart attacks shortly there after.

Aww.... what a cute widdle lard a$$.


(Sorry -- can't linky from this PC -- no cheat sheet)

Cat's linky

Cat's lard .... um ..../

I have one of the "Two Fat LAdies" cookbooks, and most recipes start out with lard or streaky bacon.



I want to be like Mike

I saw a lard-art of McCain once.
No, wait, that was really him. Oopsie.

Careful, bali. The women from "Sex in the City" also bought those books.

Yikes. *puts lunch in trash*

Sheesh, Sioux. I knew botox relaxed muscles butt that's ridiculous.

To quote Charlie Brown: "Aaauuughhh!!!"

*Waves football @ Hammie!!!*

Renews promise never to open Siouxie's links

hehe..sorry guys. I had already eaten ;-P

Annie, I saw this in the grocery store and got it for you. ;]

rut roh

thanks Siouxie, that link made me feel so much better about myself.

A little(?) something for the girls.

Thanks, CJ. That's very thoughtful. btw, how is the Heat doing in the basketball playoffs?

icky, Annie.

Maybe next year, Siouxie. ;)

Unfortunately I know a lot of lard artists.

That's phat.

As long as we don't have to call them adipose engineers.

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