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May 21, 2008


Meet HealthPartners' new mascot, Petey P. Cup, the walking urinal vial! If you go to the HealthPartners' site and click on "Our Mascot, Petey P. Cup," you can see a video of Petey getting dressed.

(Thanks to Dave Roe)


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i know what I'M gonna be next halloween.

and it ain't that.

Stay in school, kids

Isn't that the guy who graduated college and had to leave the Hooter behind?

"same day test results" -- Gee Whiz!

More home video.

Not my same day test results... Wow, see what a college education does for you?

That is one mascot uniform that will smell bad before the first wearing.

Not as bad as Colin Colonoscopy.

I shudder to think what would happen if Petey P. Cup showed up at Yankee Stadium.

For his birthday, does he get a urinal cake?

Something tells me he's a Cubs fan, Mike.

He must have been a real whiz in college.

That. Is. Creepy.

Not everyone gets to be an astronaut when they grow up.

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