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April 14, 2008


Oscar-winning actress Tilda Swinton says that when she dies she wants to be left on the beach so she can be "pecked to pieces by birds."

(Thanks to DavCat)


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FIRST to think it will save on funeral costs.

the seagulls are holding out for kirstie alley

Be careful what you ask for ...

Calling Alfred Hitchcock!

We need some birds.


It certainly is an environmentally friendly way to go.

Almost psychic bird simul, Steve.

As MAD Magazine classically put it, in their spoof:

The Birds is coming!

"...and good grammar in advertising has went..."

Ummm..... If we're gonna start doing this, we need to have a designated corpse beach because if I'm out there to catch some rays and maybe toss a frisbee around, I don't want to be tripping over dead folks.....

...nor pecked if you happen to nap.

Tilda - why wait 'til you're dead?

Come on, click on it. I don't bite.

YES!! It's quittin' time at tax hell central!

ONE MORE DAY!! woooooo hooooooo!

I expect the blog bar open when I get home.


LMAO Annie! that was ...um..lovely.

"I'd like to be done up to the nines in a huge flowery chiffon dress"

She's got quite a wardrobe. Might be hard to choose.

Think this was an inspiration?

Siouxie, Rrrrrolandooo got called away by la migra, but I am happy to serve y'all. Y'all can call me Leslie.

Damn, Constantine, that's where I saw her before! That was one weird flick (and another great satire from MAD...)

Best of all, according to the ad this will get you in on "the mortgage industries best cruise," also featuring nightly spelling and grammar sessions.

I keep telling Mr. gjd that I want to be turned into mulch and put in the garden. They're doing this in Sweden (I think). IANMTU.

Won't the birds choke on the chiffon? That's not very nice...

it's not that big a shock, really. It's Tilda Swinton, a man a woman an actor not known for being normal
Although Tilda's acting is good, from what I've seen

HeShe was great in "Michael Clayton". Great flick.

Scottish seabird imitating Charlton Heston: "Tilda Swinton is people, PEOPLE!"

I get home from an hour's drive ... and ... the ... the caption ... contest is .... c..c..c..closed?? As in no more award-winning comments? This can't be .... I've got the winner, but I can't post it. How? Why? The economy is already tanked ..... Where is the justice? Where is the outrage?!

Where is the Scotch?

I love Tilda. She has a child with a man twice her age, but she travels with her 30 year old boyfriend. Who says it's just European men who do this?

This is better than the founder of PETA. She was on The Colbert Report, and said that she wanted to be cooked and served to people to show why they shouldn't eat meat. WTFBBQ?

*SMACKS* Meanie with the Scotch™!*

Get a GRIP!

Merri, I've read that she's got a pretty open marriage. She still looks like a HE.

*awards Meanie the Obvious Winner bottle of Ass (TM) Cola, as clearly Meanie knows bullcr@p and posing* :]

Merri, the difference between Tilda and PETAns is that sane people could not care less what they did, whereas they assume we give a cr@p what they think about us. I would be happy to use either as crab bait, should they not object.

I come within a hair's breadth of winning a stuffed wienermobile last time, and now I'm holding the indisputable winning caption with no place to post it - and you want me to get a grip? A GRIP??

[don't ask me - that's what came up when I googled for a "grip" image!]

ooook! Interesting photo.

You got two "Honorable Mentions" !!! sheesh.

MtB: regarding the 2nd "grip" link; now THERE'S a caption contest photo!

Poor Meanie wants that German book soooo bad. Sometimes there is nothing funny about humor.

i'm sorry, i'm a geezer... who the **** is tilda swinton?

*Slinks in®*

*sloooowly removes stuffed Wienermobile™ from tchotchke shelf, tucks it under shirt, backs out of room...*

*Slinks out®*

qnsb: An actress whose ultimate goal is to become bird chow.

Her will also stipulates that if Scottish law at the time of her death prohibits leaving human corpses out as bird feed, that they line her coffin with newspaper.

qb: Tilda Swinton is famous for playing creepy characters and/or engaging is disturbing sex scenes. *shudder*

thanks guys. now i know why i probly havent seen any of her films. just not high enough in my pecking order.

she was also 'the white witch' in 'the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe'

Ewww! Won't touch that.

This is almost the actual way Zorastrians (Parsi in India) deal with their departed.

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