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April 01, 2008



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AAAA! You have to WARN people about stuff like that! Now I have to go get some Visine to restore my vision!

....oh, and I can type without seeing. That's how I wrote my last post.

And this one. .... Where's that Visine?

a fine welcome back that is. hrmph.

It almost seems like there was a reason for that blinding. Is there something about today that I'm missing? ;)

That was pure evil.

April Fools!!

Well I lucked out. The server is busy but the full URL was in the address bar. I will not be hitting refresh.

Happy April Fool's day to you too Dave.

I'm such a fool.


ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I KNEW this would happen and I still clicked on it!! WHY???????

You guys clicked on a TinyURL provided by Dave Barry on April 1? What are you, gluttons for punishment?

Renee, it's too early and the coffee hasn't taken hold yet I guess.

Duped again.

This is usually a day where I find myself torn between my pacifist nature and the impulse for swift, destructive revenge.

Once again, I find myself faced with such a dilemma.

Which is why they don't call you Sweetie the Blue, I reckon ...


That really should have said "Pay no attention to this post."

Dang, nearly spewed coffee from my nose.

Like Siouxie, I KNEW - I KNEW - and I clicked anyway. Anyone know where I can find a sadist to relieve my masochistic tendencies?

*pulls out eyeballs, soaks in eyewash for 20 minutes*
*lather, rinse, repeat*

I don't know. Don't you think he's kinda cute?


April Fools!

Meanie -- go for revenge. It's more satisfying in the short run. And the long run.

Well that was sweet of you Dave! Thank you for that!

Bad Dave!

Now, see, judi knew better than to pull something like that ...

My eyes; my eyes . . .

Man that's low.

you are an evil man dave.

Darn my naive and trusting ways!!!

oh, visine! i thought i read vaseline. *slaps self, then looks in yellow pages under 'psychiatrist'*.

Aaaaaaauuuugh! I didn't get to read the Blog yesterday, so this is what I get at 6:30 in the morning??
You're a sick man, Dave.

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