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April 25, 2008


You know what to do.

(Thanks to Stephanie Sailor, who says: "I'll be sure to send you a piece of the toilet artifacts -- kind of like how people scrambled to get their hands on a Communist brick, after the fall of the Berlin Wall.")


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When you mentioned scrambled I thought it was a Waffle House update.

Mr. Bush, tear down this stall!

Maybe they can fill the tank with ethanol, before they blow it up!

I thought the unintended cause of multi-flushes was too much beer, pizza and buffalo wings - extra spicy!

We expect video and photos of this historic event!

Toilet Detonation happens routinely at the Dread Pirate household after Burrito Night.

In a masterpiece of timing, I'll be going through the prep for my colonoscopy Monday, as urged and described so memorably by Dave not so long ago...

*Snork* @ Meanie. You are on a roll today!

Allen, I hope everything comes out ok ;-P


Sigh. *remembers when a plunger was a 'I think I might have one in the basement' type item. Now I've got one in each bathroom.*

*boards geezer bus for Depends store*

Makes me proud to be an Idahoan. Be sure you watch the videos on Boomershot.org.

Siouxie, it all comes out alright in the end...

Good for you, Allen!

Oh, and those monkeys are sure getting around, aren't they? (pic in article)

I prefer May 20.

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