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March 18, 2008


The Great Illinois Corn Flake, according to this story on (Surprise!) Ananova, has become a huge celebrity, like Kevin Federline, but with more musical talent. Bidding on eBay is over $200,000. There is a T-shirt being offered for $1,500, as well as a lovely and artistic portrait. Other related items include a spoon and milk. Tragically, Edgar is still dead.

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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I have the corn flake the beatles sat on. How much?

That cornflake looks about as much like Illinois as I look like Barry Manilow...

I've got some chicken nuggets that look like Indiana. Or maybe Rhode Island or Oregon. Too much paprika.

From Ananova "The McIntire sisters say they've decided to use the proceeds from the eBay sale to buy more boxes of Frosted Flakes."

At, say, $4 a box, that's about 50,000 FREAKIN BOXES OF FROSTED FLAKES!

maybe they should save some of the money for storage costs.

I have a Mr. Potato Head that looks like a guy from Illinois.

Good one, Barry Steve.

I did like the milk container.

Just eat the damn thing already. Sheesh.

Will the price on the artwork go up if somebody offs the artist the artist dies?

And another thing. The flake is missing Galena and has St. Louis in Illinois.

And the bidders are allowed to vote in the upcoming presidential elections?

Maybe this explains why some of our presidents got the nod.

*lassos 's' from elections*

Merci beaucoups JM, je cherchais ces choses . . .

Oh good grief . . .

I would bid, but I am waiting for verification that the topography on the corn flake matches that of Illinois as well.

Don't they all pretty much look like Illinois?

*snork* @ "I'm a sucker" item.

I ate Rhode Island. Left me feeling empty. And a little heartburny.

What the hell does Ashley Dupree have to do with cornflakes? And do I dare ask what that other thing is??

I still say it looks suspiciously like a bran flake.

LOL Punkin!

*smooooooooooch* girl!! miss you mucho!

I just love the fact that if you are an Illinois resident you qualify for FREE SHIPPING if you are the ultimate sucker win the auction for the bad... misshapen... non-Jesus related... bland... cereal... cornfake... cornflake.

Er, yeah, the $200,000+ check will be in the mail right away. No doubt. You bet. Count on it.

Next item ...

Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Who's the biggest flake of all?

WAITAMINIT!! Meanie! I own that already.

Looking at MKJ's list, my favorite is this one. Key quote, "Looks just like a tire."

Most cornflakes used to look like Texas, or residents thereof... But it's been a long time since I've had cornflakes for breakfast.

Siouxie - you didn't read the fine print about the timeshare, did you?

there's a mountain in south dakota that looks exactly like the heads of 4 presidents, that thing must be worth a fortune!

Meanie, one late night I was walking accross the bridge. I was in the middle and had to take a whiz. I knew I wouldn't make it to the end so I just went on the bridge. Doesn't that qualify as a claim stake?

Ducky, it's gonna have to grow some to equal our tire ... !

Nah, Kbear. I'm more like granola.

Gosh darnit, people, it's a Frosted Flake, not a Corn Flake; sort of a winter scene.

Meanie, I'll bid, as long as it doesn't come with Brooklyn.

*Reminds self to put convertible top up before driving across Layzee's bridge*

I am SNORKING at all the eBay listings. I think I'll try for Hawaii. That's probably as close as I'll get. This afternoon I'll work on my retirement plan by going through my box of frosted flakes.

I wonder how much they'll insure it for in case of breakage during shipment?

round and crunchy with sharp edges, Tex?

Steve - I've been past that tire on the way to Sandusky! Cool!

Blue - I'd rather buy that Florida waterfront land that crossgirl's selling. She's willing to sell it way below market value. I just hope it doesn't have any problems.

Yup, witch. Much better than corn flake flat and wilted.

wait wait wait wait...how do we know that edgar is still dead? Maybe he is the true terrorist mastermind that Tony is working for in season 7.

in other news, anyone want to buy a triscuit in the shape of Wyoming?

homey, I'll trade ya for my Honey Nut Cheerio™ that's shaped like Uranus.

Isn't that tire monument an obsolete bias ply? Oh wait, that's Detroit; nevermind!

(it would look great on a 1974 Chrysler El Humongo <-- Copyright D. Barry)

I have a Pop Tart™ in the shape of Colorado for sale. I wonder how much it's worth.

I have a donut that looks just like the invisible man because I ate it .

I hope she has a reseller's license from Kellogg's or this is gonna get uglier than DeKalb in February.

I tell you I saw a Test up there, right above the cornflake! It said "Test" and everything, and ...

Why won't anyone believe me ??

Baron, I know I should get back to work, butt that's just plain funny. Honestly, I think you should post that to EBay and see if it sells!

(STFU, CJ, and GBTW. ok)

Hi, Diva, I've only been on sporadically the last few weeks. What happened to the desk? Are you now a standing blogette?

*face palm*

Just this morning, I poured some cheery o's into a bowl and I swear, I saw one that looked like a circle. A perfectly round circle!

*crosses heart*

Too bad I ate that sucker up. Could be a millionaire.

my cheerios are trying to talk to me, so far it's just been 'ooooooooooo'...

*BONKS* CJ again.

(cg has given me permission since she's having her boobs squashed busy at the moment.)

I'm going to quit my job and start looking for states full-time in my cereal.
And yet...a set of organic Ralph Lauren sheets I've listed twice on Ebay at great savings, garners no bid at all...

*throws asparagus on the floor*
I predict y'all are nutso.

I meant that in the best possible way.

since it's asparagus, that's not a prediction, that's fact.

Bridges, flakes and sheets
Those crazy Ebay people are renowned
They're hawking bridges, flakes and sheets
And left and right, all the bidders come around
To lay their money down...

*nonstate shaped frosted flake snort* @ ducky!

*wonders if any of the Illinois Corn bidders are having trouble paying their mortgages*

I think it actually resembles Madagascar, more than Illinois ... but that's merely me ...

(At least it's not Minnesnowta ... or Wisconsin ... tho ... fer whomever wondered about the topography ... if there's a tiny little septic tank where Chicago would be, raise your bid ... it's authentic!)

speaking of talking cereal, there's the old George Carlin bit...

"Got into an argument this morning with my Rice Krispies. I distinctly heard- "Snap, Crackle, F*** Him"

Hey, Wayne! The desk kinda got too heavy to keep carrying around with me, so I dropped it.

*snork* @ DDi! Howdy!

i've got this mitten that looks just like michigan...

cg, how went the booby squashin???

oh and DuckyCher?? that was muy funny!! LOL

I'm just fine, thank you.

*limps off*

heh, CJ!

You're such a boob!

siouxie, it wasn't bad at all. kinda weird having a chic handling the girls though...

Yeah..that's VERY weird. You almost feel like telling them...it's OK..I'll put 'em where you want 'em.


*wonders why the boys are so quiet*

cg, maybe we best stop talking about chicks grabbing boobs.

I had my first one done almost 3 years ago now so that they had a "baseline." They're starting to advocate that younger and younger. Glad you joined the club, cg!

I just bought a pair of mittens, and I SWEAR they are shaped like Michigan!

Why do they tell you not to move? It's not like you can take a cigarette break or something. I had a 'Hokey Pokey' earwig after mine...(you put your right side in....yadda yadda)

psst, merri - see cg @ 1:15! :D

I ate some Illinois-looking cornflakes about seven hours ago...

Now they look like ...um...

...no, still look like Illinois...

Crossgirl, Merri & Diva: Even Hillary knows that! Check the first caption ...

If you find any that look like Florida, I'll buy it.

*GIGO snorks* @circuit7

And then we have the Obama Miracle Toast:


Steve's linky

Thanks, Siouxie!

Awww. The listing has been removed now. Phooey.



I want a Illinois Corn Flake shirt!


There is people earning with the corn flake already. Look:


Amazing how viral works.

i have two balls the size of texas. for 200 grand thery're yours.

I love Obama with Cornflake Ears


Ebay # 120235821961


Did you see the "The Great Corn Flake Wire wrap"?? It is THE Best flake spin off up there!!
Check it out!

now thats a corn flake

Hi there - -
I'm selling an interesting item on eBay - you should check it out. Simply go to eBay and search "vajayjay sun chip." Don't worry - It's pretty tasteful. I'm from Madison, WI and will be interviewed on a local radio station about this item for sale later in the week. Let me know if you'd like to know when so you can listen to the live streaming online. Thanks for reading!



I wanted to share a similar unusual food shape story.

I was making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when I pulled out a slice that had happy face on it. I did nothing to this to make it look this way. The holes are simply the air bubbles that were there when it was baked.

When I compared it to a smiling picture of President Elect Barack Obama it looked so similar I was quite taken aback. I thought to myself MY FOOD IS STARING BARACK AT ME!

Because bread does not keep as well as chips or flakes, I have put it on Ebay.

Here is the link to ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=140280731420

You can also go to Ebay and search using the keywords "obama" & "bread"


I wanted to share a similar unusual food shape story.

I was making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when I pulled out a slice that had happy face on it. I did nothing to this to make it look this way. The holes are simply the air bubbles that were there when it was baked.

When I compared it to a smiling picture of President Elect Barack Obama it looked so similar I was quite taken aback. I thought to myself MY FOOD IS STARING BARACK AT ME!

Because bread does not keep as well as chips or flakes, I have put it on Ebay.

Here is the link to ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=140280731420

You can also go to Ebay and search using the keywords "obama" & "bread"

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