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February 05, 2008


(Thanks to Justin Barber)


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She really looks her part.

Don't ya'll mistake your baby for the beer too?

Me either.

"Williams faces charges of driving under the influence, child endangerment, driving without a valid license running a red light not having a seatbelt or child restraint, or a brain. She will be involuntarily sterilized and sent to the South Pole."

FINALLY! My tax dollars put to good use!!

Local authorities are expected to throw the book at Williams, according to one sherrif's deputy who says, "Endangering a child's welfare like that? For Busch beer!? I mean, c'mon!"

"the book"?? can't they just throw a brick at her?

i can't believe this isn't britney.

at least the baby wasn't in a shopping bag in the trunk.

If you use a seat belt to buckle in your six pack, you might be a redneck.

Another fine upstanding citizen.

That's not "Tina Williams". That's Tina Yothers.

Next time.

I'm sorry, but stories like this make me sick. Boozin' crack-smokin' low-lifes allowed to reproduce just to pollute and endanger the life of an innocent child that someone else would die for.

BTW 9, the period goes inside the quotes. Thank you.

Hey, the bottom line is kids bounce and beer don't. Well, not as good, anyway.

A woman has to keep her busch safe for later use.

Snork @ JEC666.

That Busch needs to be sprayed with Round-up. Clearly, it is diseased and grown from a bad seed.

No mention that the child was placed with Children's Services either. GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

snif, you need a comma after boozin'. Thank you.

Somebody needs to strap her bush.

Layzee, and glue it shut.

I knew there was a valuable use for butt glue.

Appears to be a pattern of behavior here...

No license, was running out of gas, "didn't know" why the baby wasn't buckled in, DRIVING DRUNK...

Bolsters argument for involuntary sterilization.
Throw the book at her and please remove the child before it's too late.

...and snif, you shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition. And, "Boozin' crack-smokin' low-lifes allowed to reproduce just to pollute and endanger the life of an innocent child that someone else would die for" seems to be a fragment. Thank you.

"...and snif, you shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition."

"Butt glue" is a preposition?

Fragments are incomplete sentences. Fragments are pieces of sentences that have become disconnected from the main clause. Therefore, when two trains are heading in opposite directions, one at 75 mph and the other at 90 mph, no matter which way you look at it, butt glue is still a noun.

"Boozin' crack-smokin' low-lifes allowed to reproduce just to pollute and endanger the life of an innocent child that someone else would die for" lacks a predicate. You could easily remedy this by inserting "are" in between "low-lifes" and "allowed." Either way, "for" is still a preposition. You may still take consolation in the fact that you know where to place a period. Thank you.

My father ended his single life by giving my mother a preposition of marriage. And my cousin began her menses cycle when sent to prison. She began a sentence with a period. Don't ask about my grammar.

I may know where to place a period, but I haven't had one in years.

I know that rule that a period (or comma) goes inside the quotation marks but I disagree with it and therefore choose not to abide by it. I figure if I do it long enough it'll eventually become acceptable. I've never heard a reason why it needs to be that way. I just know that the woman's name was "Tina Williams", not "Tina Williams.".

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